Thanks, it works fine now. Here are some more 0.2.1a (w/ the stealth update) stuff:
Typo: The 'Bedroom Prodidgy' trait should only have one 'd'.
Naming: A better name for "Writ of Exemption" would be "Writ of Manumission" -- because 'manumission' is exactly what it does.
Bug: If you take home a travelling character when the shop window "over there" is open, that shop window stays open until you click back to your hometown (Aliron). For distant shops (let's say, Elven Capital), this is more useful than I think it should be.
Bug: Any child of the lord/lady of the manor automatically becomes a slave -- either let me choose, or make them peons. Or heirs.
Bug: Children let me overcrowd the manor with no penalty. Once again, it's too good.
Bug: If the 'Anal Lover' trait comes from the toys, it's always on. (If the trait comes out of the sex sessions, it can be managed/toggled as expected.)
Wishlist item: I'd like [Next], [Prev] buttons (and hotkeys) on the character pane -- having those buttons would streamline traversing the roster.
Wishlist item: I want to see the loadouts when I build my combat squad -- so I can put archers and casters in the back, and sword guys in the front.
Wishlist item (or bug): I can't find any job that grows the Charm stat; so instead I spam the Charm skill once a day -- which is efficient but tedious :( Did I miss anything obvious?
And finally: I'm impressed by the expression evaluator you have in place for conditions and whatnot -- true lambdas would be better, of course, but they seem to be stuck in Godot limbo (<>). Your take on it is about as good as it gets without proper language support.