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A member registered Sep 11, 2018

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as someone who also either stops doing something or the joy goes out of it by saying okay im going to focus on this and work on it. take time I would say dont post updates to the rewrite until you are almost finished or if you feel like you still possibly wont finish it at that point to wait until finished.

Because you said you are rewriting will you have some people comment: "is it still being worked on" ignore those. all it will do is add pressure to you. dont worry about letting people down. if you update a lot and get more people interested, and get burned out and not finish that will let down people more.

SO INSTEAD just work on it for fun when you feel like it. dont update the game on here just focus on having fun and writing the story. And one day whether a few months or years later being like surprise here is the full story/game. (I also havent shared stories or interactive stories yet because I also get burned out or just cant figure out what to do next and I dont want to let others down)

Also see what works best for you writing wise. I personally notice trying to get ideas or writing on my laptop is a lot harder than writing ideas that pop into my head on my phone. And if i have a lot for an idea i write it on paper first and then later add it to my laptop. I just seem to get more ideas when i just have paper in front of me versus if its a laptop.

Lots of love your way, take your time, have fun and dont worry about when you finish it. :)

just checking on this and wooo!! its so close to being done. so excited for you!!

any new update? cant say exactly how often this game comes across my mind but at least 5 times in a year if not more i am like i wonder if that game is any closer to completion.

I really like this demo. The characters are so cute and wonderful. Also one of your scene just pulled at my heartstrings. The one where you could dance with Peter. Like I already liked him. I liked a lot of them didn't super have a favorite but that reaction from him omg my heart. I replayed that one scene like 4 times just to see his reaction. I really cant wait to get to know more about the characters and their like backstory. (even if it doesn't get to far into it. It's nice to just know why they act a certain way sometimes.) Anyways I cant stop thinking of that reaction from Peter.

I really like the concept and would love to play it. I am wondering though if there will be a option to turn off all the animation? I know in the demo you can turn off the background and the MC sprite. But the animation of other characters is actually making it really hard to just play the demo. I think it's a great thing to put in the animation for players. But I also hope there will be an option to turn it off for players who might not have the best computer or laptop to run the game on.