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any new update? cant say exactly how often this game comes across my mind but at least 5 times in a year if not more i am like i wonder if that game is any closer to completion.

(1 edit) (+2)

I apologize for taking quite a while to reply.  Work is ongoing in the game but it's been slowed due to my family moving states and then being on a rotation of many of us getting sick then better and then sick again.  Work does continue, but every in game plan takes way more toward the end than the beginning.  Almost all the CG's are done now, and it's largely on the programming and writing end that requires tons of time.   Writing and programming is largely done through day 4 of the final week with a few exceptions.  The final weekend is taking some time to plot out.   I hope this is a good update for all still following, yes we're coming out eventually!

it's good in my opinion I hope you all are doing better this coming year.