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A member registered Jan 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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That's better but you still got some hitbox issues

I think the idea of blocking the box to be to close to other boxes is intersting but you should remove this feature and make the boxes being kicked away by the the little square when the square bounce on it, so we can't block the little square with boxes and so we constantly have to replace the boxes when the square hit them

Quitting my human life form for a kitten sushi only one

Huge OST I love it

yay thank you :) that would have been fun to drag them ! you got a good idea haha

Yo I am very glad you liked it and I can't agree more with you and the other comments about clarity. Thank you very much for your report

Yo thank you very much for your comment. You got a really really good point on this. You are so cleaver. Actually my dad is colorblind and I didn't even think about this. You are totally right about clarity. Your feedback is really useful thank you very much.

Yo, I can't play it on Mac :) Guess that's windows only, not gonna rate it tell me if you upload a mac build :)

Yo that's not what I could call a game, there are no interactions with the user.

But that was really soft to read you got something in writing ! You should give a try with a game dev to make some nice story and dialogs !

(1 edit)

I am so mad I can't test it out ! Hope you re gonna upload it back when you ll have fixed your problems
I played the game on your temp itchio page. The game feels so good like it definitely could be a full game with a story and more levels, I would enjoy play it. I wish I could have the music with the game too ! That's a really good piece of work !

For the bad things I didn't manage to fully understand the combat system, if you loose you can still pass the room like the monsters disapear, maybe it's a feature so we can't get stuck. I tried the normal way of fighting the boss but I just died without knowing if I was able to actually kill him (how many life points ?), the second time I kinda pushed him in a corner to fight him and he disapeared (don t know if that was intended). I really didn't figure out what was the grey circle appearing on the screen ?

That's sick game despite of these little things I didn't understand. I wished it was a bit longer haha !

And I m so glad you found the music funny :)

Yo, thank you for your feedback. I updated the game page to give more informations on the game for the future players. I am now very conscient that my game wasn't not clear at all for a stranger mind. This is the problem with dev a game alone you think that everybody will understand your game easely with a little tutorial but NO. haha I need to progress on this side of dev too I guess.
Have a nice day

NO WAY I am so mad haha 2 seconds more x)

Hahaha yeah this is really not conventionnal game I think :') sorry for the lack of informations, it can be hard to understand the game. The game requiere a little bit of practice :) Thank you for the comment tho

I m super glad you liked it. Yeah the gameplay is a bit not conventionnal and I didn't managed to find a good way to make player understand it. I tried doing the little interactive tutorial. Thank you for taking the time to report :)

Yeah you are right, I wanted to work on new sprites for understanding purpose but I missed time, same for the selection box :) At least you can Ctrl + click to select haha but it is true it could be easier to manipulate :)

1605 on easy level I think it's really decent good job handling your own nightclub !

Thank you that's helpful. Obviously you are right. Again it's a question of time, doing all alone in a week is pretty short. I hope you had a great time despite of the lack of informations :) It will not be updated, but I think that was a fun experiment :)

Yeah I noticed :) That was only on mistake

That's beautiful I guess it needs some more work because there is not much to do right now. I think you should have organized your time and repartition of tasks in another way so you could manage to do more things even if it would have been less beautiful :) You focused to much on the "it should be beautiful" aspect. I would have played even if the game was in black and white with squares, but right now it's not "playable" (but what you managed to implement is solid work !) Thank you for the game :)

Yo I am so sorry I just broke your game
I like the particules systems and design tho :)

I got no score !? Really :( There were so much enemies on the screen that my pc couldn't handle the display but I GOT NO SCORE ?

I liked the game well play

(1 edit)

Thank you for your feedback :)

I like the art and music. The idea of nightmare and dream is sweet, I feel like there is kind of a lack in the game play, you just repeatly follow the same path. The physics could need some more work.

Overall that was pleasant keep going !

Looks nice, can't play it in browser too much laggy. I watched your gameplay

That's a good start, that's peaceful :)

I won ! The movement are a bit hard and you feel a bit "stuck" when you are interacting, it could be nice to visually indicates the player can't do another action during this period. It s a tough game at first ! Well play

It's super annoying when you try to click on a different tower but you already selected one and it just buy the tower you previously selected :(

That's a good game I played it multiple times trying to loose 0 hp

There are some bugs when you get cought, camera starts flipping in random ways, movement become inctrollable sometimes, and I even was not able to reinitialize multiple times I had to reload the entire game.

I like how you made your game fit with the theme of the buddy jam + it's easy to play, it feels good to throw the items you holding. Still need a bit more in "puzzle design" :) Nice job

I had a great time thank you for the game :)

Really peaceful and funny :)

Thank you for the feedback :) Did you tried the tutorial ?

I applied your advices thank you !

The game is clean, working well, the font is not really readable tho !

Well play finishing in time !

wow thank you !

Ok my bad, the bar is full before 45 kills so I didn't understand I had to continue but I kept going for a few 10 kills and I won


It surely will good luck !

Very nice game, enough polished for me to enjoy, there many ways to play the waves of enemies that's a really cool game

That's way better than the last time I tried your game ! I like it very much. I m only disapointed with the fact that fire balls are stopped by ALL projectiles that makes fireball so much less powerful, when the blue capsules are sending their power it's stop fireball, arrows stop fireballs etc that's a bit hard to play with