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A member registered Apr 01, 2019

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(4 edits)

I agree with 90% of your points, I do get extremely tired of the 

victim/depressed/idiot/whining-demanding to their captives that could kill them

sticking there nose where it doesn't belong/curiosity killed the cat character syndrome/whiny baby/everyone for some reason loves the mc after not even a day of knowing them

can't be left alone for 1 second or else they will have a panic attack or do something incredibly stupid/extremely weak body/tripping over their feet so someone can save them/save the princess syndrome/can't do simple tasks

incompetent/inferiority complex/for no reason every character likes them even know the mc has been whining-demanding things in a situation that would likely get anyone killed in this situation/door knob personality tropes thats in 90% of vns

How do you say tchorts name? @BigBuffDemonBoi

Talking about the 5.1 update not 5.0

Wait is that all they added to this new version was 1 save page

(2 edits)

What was specifically changed?! please just get off patreon, please go to subscribestar, patreon is horrible now!

(1 edit)

Please make it unlimited like most vns do please

Please make fergus a datable character please!

(1 edit)

RodaBlackfang I Don't have a twitter to ask this but I saw that you posted holiday wallpapers for the cast and I was wondering if you could post higher quality versions (maybe with and without the text and white lines?!) Twitter seemed to destroy the quality of them especially joesphs :(. 

I really enjoy your guys work and am always looking forward to new updates! 

just a shame that twitter destroys artwork by converting to jpg and giving it heavy compression artifacts

Can you add the ability to go past 9 save pages

(2 edits)

Wish the sprites were bigger they are kind hard to see, also can't tell if he did it to show size difference or not it's hard to tell how big some characters are that aren't in cgs some characters look extremely small then in there cg there three times bigger than the mc

Maybe make a size chart ingame or show how big someone is in there bio

Where do you find jorm the giant snake? Is he not in the game anymore I liked him

Can you make a legacy gallery of the old cg art. I like some of the old cgs better and would still like 2 view them

Can you add a hide button please can't see the cgs or art on android cause it takes up like a third of the screen

Can you make it so you can change the aspect ratio for android and windows to 16:9 it cuts the image off cause it's forces it to the phones aspect ratio

(1 edit)

I can do that in the pc version but I have no way to do that on android

(3 edits)

Sadly kaels old sprite is drastically better, so was Wilbert's wish they would change back. He lost that edge to him. He looks soft now, and He looks too happy. Don't know why artist keep changing their art when it was better before they changed it

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All characters look amazing and don't need to be changed, I don't think Kael needs to be changed he looks amazing. Otto on the other hand his face looks off

most of the non human characters have human faces or human anatomy. Wouldnt really call them non human. I want things that aren't even human like

Can we have less human character updates or human looking character being introduced, not really feeling like a space fantasy with all these human character only getting updates. And new humans characters constantly being added

Wouldn't a guardian still make sense for a route? There are Plenty of stories where the protector/bodyguard/guardian falls in love with the protagonist. wouldn't the elder still make sense

(1 edit)

Please make the elder a route

also why dont any of the characters have tails? looks wierd without them

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On android version  can you move the "back to menu" button to the top left of right corner or somewhere out of the way cause i always accidentally hit it when going to next image

I wish you would keep the old art style i especially like John's sprite i wouldnt want it changed is so perfect the way it is

Man deletes actual criticism

I like old cane sprite more

Did you guys get rid of green goo guy i liked him. Orcs are just boring

(1 edit)

Finally a Vn that isnt cringe, has a amazing story, and the MC is not a whiny idiot who can't take being alone for two seconds and does the literal dumbest things possible. I friggin love it!

Liking it so far, but have a question is this going to have multiple romance routes?

Is there multiple routes or just one route it's kinda hard to tell since your kinda pushed to one at the beginning then it almost seems like later there should be?

Can you add a hide button for the android version can't see anything under the ui

What happened to green and black goo guy

The only thing I would change are the sprites faces snouts are too skinny not matching the head and the eyes are too small

Can merry be a character route he's hot

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I love this VN the only thing that bothers me is the extreme inconsistent art whoever does johns art should be doing the cg and sprites

lol true forgot about the hot villian, though i was talking about the hot badger