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A member registered May 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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Yeah I was channeling the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland a bit. I never actually thought of looking at the shadows for queues that's actually clever. I wish that was the intention but I won't claim credit for it. I usually try to look further ahead for open areas. I will have to implement some type of high score system or at least a distance counter so that people can screen shot how far they get I'd like to see how far people can make it. Thanks for checking it out. I will be making updates. I have already made a few changes to the code and will be buliding them soon hopefully. 

Again. Thanks so much for playing! ^_^

Thank you! I’m not sure how to adjust the screen by size but I agree the viewport should scale vertically not horizontally. 

Occasionally the rocks spawn together in the center. If you’re really brave you can try squeezing through the hole in the middle. I usually hug the outside wall when that happens. 

I think it’d be cool if maybe it was 3 humans up top that dropped something random at random intervals it seems the trap was always in the middle. Would make a good mobile game

Thank you so much! Yeah I’ve had someone else mention the sound. I’m gonna go back in and make sure the files are all ogg. I think I’m using 2 different file formats not sure if that’s a problem.

I actually got to the end! ^_^ 

Very cool. Love the clop style gameplay! Great job

so hard to manage the tossing and collection of cups but great mechanic. Great work!

Made it with only 1 health to spare. Cohesive game. Great work! Bubbles!

Thank you so much. The music is mine from like maybe 10! Years ago. I have other tracks if you wanna check them out. Not all as polished. Feel free to use them for any works.

Thank you. A lot of rng

Thanks! The death is a result of turning physics on at the last second. I wasn't sure about adding blood but I was just adding stuff

Arrrggh! So frustrating! Love IT! Really cool idea for the movement

So calming just to roam around! This was a really good experience! Love me some low poly. The music is soo good

Very cute and clean graphics! Great work! I'm so bad at it :p Will have to come back to try for a high score. The graphics for the menu and UI are perfect too!

Love the exploration type theme! Am I able to collect the shells? I kept trying for a while. The bubble particle system is so simple but so perfect! Why didn't I think of that.

Thanks! I was trying to make it a little more colorful. There's only about 5 sounds in the game. I wrote the music but it's like 10 years old ^_^

It's like being the Merminator! Love the rock music! Great choice. I started playing it without reading the instructions and couldn't hit anything at first but after doing what I should have it was fun and a great concept.

Really cool! Is there a second level? I'll never know because I can't beat the first ^_^ Really cool.

Such a great idea! Reminded me of the old Tier handheld games. Very cool! Music and sound is on point too. The page design to look like it's playing in a handheld is so next level ^_^ Super nice touch!

Nice! You accomplished what I was kind of going for lol. Music fits great and it's fun to play. Loved the dive jump mechanic.

Thank you so much