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Kinky Lemur Games

A member registered Jun 27, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Last year itch io had released this. 
What i understand , itch io is mentioned to the content .  We thought the content of our game might found "harm". and in those days , the devs understood, some of the porn games are removed. But if you read the link, there is no understandable reason for this.  

We release updates on Steam on Monthly

Thank you

Hello , has removed the buying option. We sent a lot of emails and tried to reach to anybody who can help on the server but no. We could not get any response.   We though there was a mistake and waited 10 months  and tried to  tell our issue but no.   Maybe it will be better to ask to itch io why they removed us ( we know there are tons of games had the same issue) . 
You can get Inheritance at Steam without any issue. 

Hello Kinky Lemurs, We're thrilled to share the fantastic enhancements and additions in our latest update. Your support has been invaluable, and we're excited to make your gaming experience even better. Here are the details:

-Performance Boost: Say goodbye to long loading times! We've made significant improvements to enhance the overall performance of the game. 

  -Level Improvement: We've diligently addressed various level issues, including the pesky outline bug for items of interest. Your exploration just got smoother! 

  -Ladeina’s Ritual Upgrade: Explore a more immersive Ladeina’s Ritual - The Sexual Sandbox. Enjoy better animations, and discover exciting new objects to enrich your experiences. (Exclusive additional content available on Patreon.)

  -Decorate Your World: Introducing the "Decorated" option in Ladeina’s Ritual for focusing animations 

  -Combat Animation Overhaul: Astarte's combat animations have been revamped for a more engaging and visually pleasing experience. 

  -Bug Squashing: Our team has been hard at work addressing general bugs, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay. 

 Your ongoing support means the world to us, and we're committed to delivering the best possible gaming adventure. Thank you for being a part of the Kinky Lemurs community! 

 Best regards, 

 Kinky Lemur Team

I see, good luck  then :) 

Hello Tommy ,I hope you are doing well. You impressive art made me write you. 
We are Kinky Lemur Games and making Inheritance:Ladeina's Path. 
You can take a look and play the game here : 
If you are interested ,please lets talk on discord  here :  kinkylemurgames
See you :) 

I am really sorry . I bet with your new system you will able to play tons of cool games :)

I think the issue about the system.  Your are edge of the minimum system requirements.   If you can try the game in a different pc , please let me know if the issue will be gone.   If you followed us, you know we swtich to unreal engine 5  with this update and i think we may edit our minimum system requiments .  Probably  we have to set it as 6 GB ram because some of the 4GB gpu have trouble :( sorry for that 

Hey !  Sorry for that . Please can you give more information about your system ?  Please let us know did you  install it to you SSD? 
and OS?
and RAM information please. 
And is that laggy or cant you open the game ? 
Thank you for helping :) 

:( Sorry for that but we have jumped to Unreal Engine 5 and yes we have lost a bit performance.   We will work on improvements about textures and more LOD settings .  We hope we can do it better.  DLSS may help a bit  too. Please go to graphics settings and try  to enable DLSS in performance mode. 

🌟 Exciting News  🌟

Hello, Kinky Lemurs! We hope this message finds you well and excited because we have some big news to share.

Today, we are thrilled to announce that we've just released our latest major update for Inheritance: Ladeina's Path! 🚀

🔥 This update is a game-changer! It's not just an ordinary update; it's a major leap forward in the world of Inheritance. We've poured our hearts and souls into this one, and we can't wait for you to dive in.

🌄 New Maps: Explore reimagined landscapes, including a beautifully redesigned opening map and the enchanting Polovar village.

🎮 New Engine: We've made the jump to Unreal Engine 5, ensuring the best quality experience you deserve.

👤 Re-Skinned Astarte: Astarte's character has received a stunning makeover, enhancing your immersion in the game.

💖 Ladeina’s Ritual Concept Showcase: Get ready for the core of the sexual mechanic, presented in a dedicated map. This is just the beginning of something truly extraordinary.

📜 Improved Story: We've completely revamped the story and world narrative, adding depth and intrigue.

🎥 Remade Cutscenes: The romance scenes are now more captivating, with enhanced animations.

🗣️ Re-Sound the Monologues: Astarte's interactions with the world have been fine-tuned, enriching your experience.

📜 New Quest System: A more streamlined and enjoyable questing experience.

💻 New UI Design: We've overhauled the user interface, making your interactions with the game smoother and more immersive.

🎭 Character Menu: The character menu now offers even more options and is your gateway to inventory and quests.

This is a significant update that sets the stage for the future of Inheritance. We want to thank our dedicated supporters, for your unwavering belief in our project. Your patronage is helping to bring our dreams to life.

For more exclusive content be a Patron :

Are you ready ? 

Hello, Kinky Lemurs!

Our team has been hard at work, focusing on enhancing character rigs. This has been a crucial step forward as improved rigs directly contribute to better animations. Our dedication to refining animations is resolute, and this marks a significant leap in that journey.

Consequently, we are currently in the process of revamping all the sequencers for Season 1. We're eager to unveil these improvements to you as soon as they're polished and ready!

Keep an eye out for more exciting updates! 🎉🕺

Journeying into Polovar's Depths

Hello Kinky Lemurs ; We are thrilled to offer you an exclusive glimpse into the heart and soul of our game – the enchanting village of Polovar, where Astarte's journey takes root. However, this time, we are plunging into its depths, venturing beyond the surface and unveiling its intricate layers, akin to discovering a trove of hidden treasures. The month of August brought fervent activity for Season 2. We deliberately took our time, aiming for nothing less than perfection. 
We revisited two pivotal locales from Season 1, heeding the valuable feedback from our players. Although this process demanded patience, the end result was undeniably worth it. If you remember Polovar from the first season, brace yourself for an entirely new encounter. Our dedicated efforts have been directed towards elevating every aspect. While much work still lies ahead, we take immense pride in the progress we have made thus far. 
We are dedicated to crafting an immersive and captivating experience for you. Your steadfast support has been our driving force, propelling us on this remarkable journey. With eager anticipation, we look forward to sharing more updates with you. Thank you for being an integral part of our voyage into the world of Inheritance: Ladeina's Path! 

Discord : 
Patreon :

If you install it, you will see an option aat the pause menu gameplay settings and Nude Mode check Box 

Hello ! Thank you for stopping by and really happy to see you are excited for the next :) 
Rİddle help will be explained at the buttom of this text  ; 

We are really working hard for  season 2 with tons of new features and fixes.  New mechanics are regullarly showcased in our discord server. 
But for a quick look,  we are working on a player created cutscenes,  new lands, and big update for season 1 locations.  PLease take a look here 

Season 2 will come with big updates and it will feel much more a "game" then a demo level.  We expand the story, the characters, more sexual themes.  PLease feel free to join us ; 


Find the right item and carry it to the pot at the table . 

you will always see  the game in ITCh io application . 

🎮 Exciting News: Prepare for the Future of Inheritance: Ladeina's Path! 🚀

Hello, everyone!

We have some thrilling updates to share with you today. Our Roadmap is now available, detailing our ambitious plans and progress for the upcoming months. Get ready to embark on an even more immersive journey with upcoming Season 2!

✨ Unreal Engine 5 Migration: We're excited to announce that we've successfully migrated the project to Unreal Engine 5 (UE5). Brace yourself for a whole new level of performance and stunning visual enhancements. The future is looking brighter than ever!

🌟 Astarte Model Improvements: Our dedicated team has been hard at work addressing rig-related issues and refining the Astarte Model. You won't notice a drastic change in her appearance, but rest assured that these improvements will elevate her realism and allow us to create even more intricate and captivating clothing designs.

🌍 Season 1 Level Revamp: Hold onto your seats as we embark on a journey to revamp and improve the Season 1 levels. We're focusing our efforts on giving the opening level a jaw-dropping makeover. Once the Season 1 levels are complete, our loyal patrons will have exclusive access to the new build, offering a fresh and enhanced gaming experience.

💪 Support Us: As an independent development team, your support means the world to us. Help us continue to shape Inheritance: Ladeina's Path into the best RPG experience possible. Spread the word, join our Patreon community, pick up DLCs and share your feedback. Together, we can make this journey even more extraordinary.

🔍 Detailed Information: If you're hungry for more juicy details about our plans and upcoming changes, join us on DISCORD.

We truly appreciate your unwavering support and enthusiasm. Inheritance: Ladeina's Path is on a thrilling trajectory, and we can't wait to share all these exciting updates with you. Stay tuned for more thrilling announcements!

Inheritance : Ladeina's Path Team

yes they stopped for new games but if you have the game you should download. And the game page is active.  Can you sent a mail to, i will provide the nude pack key . we may try that 

Hello again.
Until you answered we try to reproduce the issue but we can not. If you bought      the application from itch io, please download free itch io application  and log in. Then go to game page and you may see an update or download option. 
If you get troubles please let us know. 

Hello,  sorry for this but I think it is ITCH io decision to remove the adult game from their payment system.  

I would love to help you and ofc you wont charge again.  can you please tell me which platform you bought the patch ? 
And if you use discord i can help you with messaging too. 


Thank you so much! We are really happy that you liked :)

We're excited to announce the latest update for Inheritance: Ladeina's Path! This update includes a number of important changes and improvements to the game, including a new autotarget mode for combat, balanced enemy difficulty, and a variety of bug fixes and gameplay enhancements. In this change log, we'll walk you through all the updates and improvements you can expect in the latest version of the game.

Version 1.1.0 Change Log:

*Implemented autotarget mode for combat with three options for players to choose from
*Balanced enemy difficulty for a better gameplay experience
*Fixed cutscene bugs
*Fixed level issues
*Improved keybinding feature for better customization options

Thank you for choosing Inheritance: Ladeina's Path and we hope you enjoy the improved gameplay experience.

Hello Kinky Lemurs,


After a period of quiet, we are back with some exciting news. We have started testing Season 1 with some awesome improvements! Our QA department and volunteer testers are thoroughly scrutinizing the game and identifying any bugs. If you would like to be a tester, please join our community and have a chance to win the DLC

We'd like to provide you with an update on the game's progress. We know that the release of the new version has been delayed and we apologize for that. Our initial plan was to release it in March, but we require a little more time to ensure that we deliver the best possible product. However, we can guarantee that Episode 1 will be available in April. After making some enhancements and addressing some bugs, we'll offer the game to our patrons first and then to other platforms.

Here are some highlights of the upcoming release:

The average gameplay time for the first chapter will be approximately an hour.
Astarte can crouch silently and perform assassination attacks on unsuspecting enemies.
New execution animations will be available, allowing Astarte to perform various execution attacks.
Astarte will take damage from falling and have different damaged skin effects based on the level of damage.
Astarte can acquire and equip various special items to upgrade her stats.
Improvements to ranged attacks include a quick release and improved aim feature.
The navigational area has been expanded seven times.
Heavy and lunge attacks will consume stamina, and Astarte won't perform special attacks without enough stamina.
Two mini-puzzles have been added.
New features include V sync/FPS rate/motion blur option/invert Y, DLSS option, original soundtracks, and an extended UI and menu options.
Re-bindable keys are now available.
Our roadmap for the future includes completing episode 1 with this release, which is a significant milestone for us. We're just getting started and our goal is to tell an amazing story of Astarte. We're excited to see what's next and have some future plans in the works;

*Switching to Unreal Engine 5
*Hiring permanent team members for the animation and character creation departments.
*A detailed character customization feature with different face/hair and appearance options.
*Adding NPCs to the world such as blacksmiths, merchants, brothel workers, and some additional interactive NPCs.
*Approximately one hour of additional gameplay
*Introduction of a sexual scene feature

If the game is successful, we plan to switch to Unreal Engine 5 at the beginning of May 2023 after completing bug fixes in April. Our goal is to release the new build in October 2023, which will be the last step before creating the full open-world map. As we make this game with a nearly zero budget, we have to be sure about what we have done before any step for the future takes place. Thank you for your continued support and patience!

Hey everyone! After 1 month , the bundle is over and it made  around1800$ .  Next week we are planing to send the money to the organization and we will share the bank transition form here! 
Thank you so much! 

Hello , the bundle is live!

hello we are trying to reach to the developer 

Hello guys! 

The Bundle 14 games for now, tomorrow we are gonna close the applications . for now these studios  decided to join to the bundle! 

If you think there are devs will to join, please help this post tto be reached to them! 

M.C Games
IM6 Productions
Expanding Universe Games
The Mithril Hourglass
Kurayami Yume Games
Jessica Meije Games
King Key Games
Double Peach Productions

hello ! The budle will be amazing! now the bundle has 9 games! Please give a hand ; 
If you are fan of a game, please let the devs know this bundle and lets expand this bundle! 
In 3 days we are gonna release the bundle! 
thank you

Thank you so much! for now the bundle has5 games, but we want to wait for a week, and see! thank you so much 

(1 edit)

Hello friends, Hard times and hard to tell, describe how tragedy is happening in Turkey. We have terrible news about lack of tents, clothes and food supply. Over 1 million people had been affected by this terrible event! Long story short, we can not stand. 

To create a bundle which the revenue will be paid to the lead charity organization in Turkey ; The plan is finding any games which are willing to be in the bundle. And publish the bundle as quick as we can do.

As developers we can not reach all games,but with you ,  we may reach to the other devs. So please,  copy and paste this to any game dev server and try to reach to the devs who may be interested. The %100 of the revenue will be sent to the charity organisation and the transition paper will be shared to all devs and community! 

For devs who want to be in this charity organisation, please fill this form for application; 

For questions and ideas KinkyLemurGames#3283 

For help Please copy and paste this on any game related server which has games at! 

Note : Bundle Page will be published in 1 week after waiting for the applications.

You are right , .pak files have commun use . In our case Unreal Engine does package the game files in .pak files.  
Please follow these : 
1- Go to the main page and at the downside, there is demo package. Please download that .  it is around 2  gb file and contains the basic files of the game. 
2- Then copy and paste you "mod" pak file into the content folder.

After that, you may see the folder is something  like this . The names might be different but you will have 2 pak files.  Run the game . 

Dont try to open pak files. just copy and paste if you will have issues please let me know. 

Thank you 


Sorry for bad experience. I will help you; 

There are 2 packages; 1- nude mod 2- multimedia content. 

If you bought 2nd one, Itch downloaded contents. In the downloaded folder you will see Nude Mod folder. You may copy the file .pak to the games content folder. In that folder there is a detailed  explanation. If you will have issues please let me know

Hello Kinky Lemurs ;

Do you see "kinky" stuff?  And do you want to give a hand to a promising project?  

We have got an amazing news! Our Patreon DLC package is now available on!  The package contains cutscenes, OST, Romance cards!  And this package will be updated by the time with adding new content! Once you will get this ,  you will have all updates for life time!  

Access Content Before Public Release  and benefits be a patron Buy Public Multimedia DLC and Nude Mod on itch  

  Play Inheritance For Free  ( New build will be released on March)

Our announcements are  live in our discord server 

Hello , thank you for supporting us. 
That build was a "hello world".  Until we released that, the team is working really hard to fix , improve and adding the mechanics, visuals and much more. 
We are almost there to release the Episode 1 , will have over 1 hour of gameplay, 2 new locations, different enemies, cutscenes, puzzles  etc. 
When i look to the bug tracking page , we have got 48 bugs are fixed, 12 bugs and implementations are stagging, and over 20 tasks are now in development..
It usually can not be possible to publish the detailes , but i may invite you to our community, we have got channels are dedicated to bug-tracking  and task managment. Our members are allowed to see the progress. 
With new release we hope you will be very happy about the progress!
thank you so much :)

(1 edit)

Hello Kinky Lemurs ; I has been a while not to write here, sorry for that. 

Since we are really work hard on the project, I missed to write  here. Sorry. Our announcements are  live in our discord server
Today we want to share our opening scene promo video. Astarte and Shael ! 
Access Content Before Public Release  and benefits be a patron
Buy Public Multimedia DLC and Nude Mod on itch 
Play Inheritance For Free

We made it! 

We released our Patreon dedicated media hub! Movies, tracks, romance cards , concepts! 

Join us on Patreon

Hey mate! I hope you are doing well! Ray tracing and probably we are going to use DLSS after we can switch to Unreal Engine 5