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A member registered Jan 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Great concept, I like it, wanted to play more, but game ended :(

Game looks and feels really good, could be developed into full game

thanks, vampire is taken from here

Great game, looks amazing, only took me some time before I understood how to reset the mix (throw it into trash bin)

Really great game. Love the dialogs and the way game mechanics are explained

Thank you for your comment and suggestions! I agree about maze positioning, had same thoughts after submitting.  As there is not much of gameplay just made enemies spawn quickier until it is impossibe to beat.

Thank you for the feedback. I will take it into consideration in the future projects.
Glad that you liked graphics, music and that you finished it :D

Nice game, looks great. Like idea that first red monster is put into cage and shows player how he behaves. Also like in game text/tutorial.

Title screen - I thought that game is broken, because mouse clicking on "start" didn't work. It feels if mouse can be moved then clicking should be working also.
Jumping - character feels a little bit to heavy (falls to quickly), adjusting gravity would help. 
Difficulty - I think punishing player when he basically completed level / got key is a little bit to harsh. (Tutorial level) I felt frustrated when i got key and fallen 3 times to the bottom, rage quit :D

I liked idea of moving platform in level 2, but I died quickly and had to restart game from Tutorial, It feels that player should restart level not whole game.
Because of this I didn't progress much.

How to implement "Saving" and "Loading" data or progress on Godot.
To have in game data storage use Singletons (AutoLoad) Basically, it is separate script that is attached to whole game "scene" and is always available.

To save/load data on game exit just write/read data to .txt file. Save on exit. load on enter. Docs tutorial

Thanks, it helped. Issue was with resolution aspect ratio, by default it started in 1024x768, and only this part was seen. Changing resolution to 1280x720 helped. Will check the game now.

Interesting game. Would suggest to add simple story, goal. It will add a lot to the game as currently player doesn't understand why he is jumping and where he is going.

(1 edit)

pressing alt+enter (full screen mode) just adds black bars to the sides 

Display resolution 1920 x 1080, 12.7"

Looks great, but somehow game doesn't launch properly for me.  Instead of rectangle screen like in screenshot, games opens in square window for me. I can see from snowman to snowman. Because of that I can't play game.

Thank you for your feedback.
Platform looking like walls, I agree that it's bad design. No slacking :).
Regarding no checkpoints at the end, as there is not much gameplay I made it intentional, but wasn't sure if it is right decision.

Thank you! Glad that you liked it.

Thank you for your feedback. Glad that you found it relaxing.
Platform bug: It should only happen when standing on the edge of the platform, but yes it is kinda a bug :( . Will be more careful with future projects.

Great game, looks beautiful, controls feel smooth, nice game loop.
Would suggest to add possibility to pause/exit game while playing. 
Also  when standing on top platform and jumping, character hits invisible wall/edge of the screen. It feels that character should be able to jump fully. Jump beyond screen edge or lower the platform a little bit. 

Game Title/URL:  Pirmas

Pitch/Information: Top down 2d platformer

I'd like feedback on: anything!

Amazing graphics, like camera movement

Great atmosphere, beautiful graphics and audio. 

Great game. Love penguins and what they say.

Thank you!

Nice game, looks great. Some in game instructions of what to do would help.

Nice game, like that snowman starts to move/slide when shoot. Adds skill factor.
Also menu is very beautifully done.

nice game, really enjoyed playing it

Nice game, love jumping sound :)

Nice game, love art style and winning animations.
Adding restart/replay button (after winning) would really help.