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Kitten 2099

A member registered Apr 17, 2020

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In the time it took you to type that you weren't going to explain what the alchemy is, you could have not been a dick and just explained what the alchemy is for those who don't know.

(For those who don't know: in the original arcade, pushing Up + Punch very quickly right after punching a barrel/trashcan/etc. will make it drop diamonds and gold bars instead of its regular contents)

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Muchas gracias por hacer esta conversión, tenía esta maquinita de pequeño y me encantaba pero la pantalla se acabó estropeando, Como la he echado de menos. la conversión te ha quedado perfecta, especialmente la jugabilidad, es exactamente igual a como la recuerdo.

Por cierto, he encontrado un pequeño bug En la pantalla final, la del ataud. Si te pones en la posición del monstruo de frankenstein y le das al botón de atacar, se te añaden 20 puntos a la puntuación, a pesar de que no hay ningún enemigo. te pongo link a video:

I started playing Soulcreek just yesterday, but I already know that I would take a bullet for Loken.

Wow, this is absurdly fun, and this is coming from a guy who *hates* regular blackjack! Will you be releasing this game on Android as well? This would be the ultimate on-the-go time-killer.

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Ah, this brings back so many memories. ♥

Back in 2000, my freshman year in college, I had a Game Genie *and* the code that would spawn Mews into the game, and I made a pretty penny by selling them to my classmates (and even a couple professors!) for €10 a pop. ;)

Also, anyone remembers that goshdarned cheat that supposedly allowed you to play as the bosses in the original SNES Street Fighter II game, that then turned out to be fake? I spent so many hours in front of my SNES compulsively trying to make it work... ;_;

Got no words to express how much I love this. The way you worked around the limitations of LCD handheld games is mind-blowing. Any chances for an offline/downloadable version at some point? 🙏

Yaaaaaaaaaay! Gym tiger! :D

Thank you very much for the tip! I just tried moving it to a different folder and now it works fine indeed. :)

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I'm getting a "PermissionError: [ErrNo 13] Permission Denied: '.\\image.png'" error after generating an image, and the image won't be saved in the output folder. I even tried to run the program as admin, but it didn't fix the problem.

Anyone knows what I'm doing wrong?