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Kitty B.

A member registered Nov 13, 2016 · View creator page →

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think i got it wrong like 5 times?

thank you so much! i sincerely hope it will help you to have a cool experience when the time is right :)

damn, this game sucks. you can teleport into a wall and die


That's a pretty elegant way to do it IMO. And makes it really comfy for people who don't have a gender

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I gotta tell ya, you already had me at the option to opt out of pronouns!

Will check back later, once i properly read it, looks very fun so far though :)

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I'm sorry, dan qui dam. I'm afraid i can't do that: the human called Kitty B. has been fully assimilated into the blockchain and now exists in a permanent, immutable and non-fungible state of presence, forever trapped in their final moments of agony.

Uhhh, i mean, beep boop, i'm just a chat-bot, plz don't make me solve a captcha, beeeeep boop boop

Yes, for sure. This practice of just having a lot of money and then basically performing a real life quantity usage glitch to make it more instead of adding anything of value to the world really, really pisses me off. I hope i managed to get that feeling across in the game.

(And thanks again for reading my stuff, you're pretty cool)

Sorry, didn't make that clear, was pretty tired, lol

It's a TV series and also it's technichally about survivors, but i think it has some merit as inspo for ttrpgs

Yeah, FETCH is pretty rough.

In any case looking forward to a wacky zombie rpg. I mean zombies, different moods and worlds are also not mutually exclusive, right? If you haven't seen it, maybe check out Z Nation, it's made by the asylum but i actually really like it. They keep the zombies fresh and exciting by constantly changing up the forms, costumes and rules for the zombies. And, yes, there is of course a zombienado, sooner rather then later.

I can kinda see a dimension-hopping campaign, where the goal is to infect as many worlds as possible :D

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Hey there! I‘m really glad you like it. This i think is my most personal project to date and really came from a spur of the moment strange mood that overcame me that one time, whilst literally strolling through the cornfields.

One of the things i love about the medium is that it can simultaneously support a bunch of different things - a ttrpg can at the same time be fairly traditional, almost war gamey, very strange and atmospheric and immensely personal. Ttrpgs can help you craft a story collaboratively with your friends or just on your own in a way no other medium of art really can compare to.

I‘m flattered to hear that this game seems to have inspired you and look forward to your future games. If you liked this, you should probably also check out the game that inspired me to write this one:

It‘s a bit of a different and i gues harsher vibe, but extremely well made, like everything from gshowitt i played so far. He‘s on another level and there is a good reason „honey heist“ is the micro-rpg.

I think you got it, if not please let me know. I will try to hodl up the illusion of customer service for at least a couple days more, before i pull the rug, take the money and run, take the money and run, take the moneay and run

Glad you like it! Tried to make the NPCs a bunch of interesting people, where you can sort of guess at what they do when they're not being involved in a murder ballad, hope that worked out at least a bit.

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If you really want to torture them, then do what i did in the third playtest:

Just give them the maximum amount of robots to fight, raise their HP and strip out all of the special abilities to make it extra boring. Should be torturous, alright!

thanks for the small print warning, was just about to fall in love with one of these demons!

lol, that's freaky :D

Well, i‘m excited to make it! It‘s fun presenting queer identities and love in the most metal way possible :D tiny spoiler: there may or may not be a scene involving navigating a mosh pit at a „heretical priest“ concert

and i will give nostradamus a listen for sure, i mostly know their older stuff, but i like the ones that from what i can tell were not as popular, like point of entry and, well, turbo

Love judas priest as well, the music always evokes strong feelings in me. I‘ll probably make a hella queer adventure out of it this time :D

I think the main Album will be "Turbo Lover" by Judas Priest. If i find the time, i might be able to put an album crawl inside an album crawl, but we'll see i guess :D

Finally an alternative to the obligatory goblin encounter to start a campaign off!

Thanks a lot <3

Thanks a bunch! <3

Hey, just a quick heads up, i think you need to have the license blurb on this page to conform with the third party license

Yeah, then cut out the white background, increase the contrast and cut out anything that isn't your lines. Then you've got a nice .png to work with. Sure, it's not vector art, but it works. Of course you could photograph the map and just trace vectors over it, that would be even better, but the other way works fine.

Oof, but it hurts so good!

I'm also up for compiling it into a zine

this is really powerful and also very beautiful, in a sad way.

I'm not sure if i found every path yet, but the hope one really touched me personally as i had never before really been able to see the outside perspective of self harm...

So yeah, huge props for a great game!