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A member registered Jul 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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After playing this game again, I have a suggestion for you. Instead of having a curses with each weapon, maybe have different stages that are setup that play with a particular curse game mechanic throughout the whole level. Give each level or stage a name/title on top of the screen hinting at what they're about to expect on that stage. This is just a suggestion. The way the game plays now is cool the way it is. Just throwing out some ideas.

I really like this game. Very Challenging! Santa is one bad Mo Fo. He's such a menace. And yes I do feel the earth move under my feet. He shakes the screen almost every time he runs after you. You know what I'm about to tell you. Don't mean to be the elephant in the room. I know we live in a PC society. But come on. Weight Watchers! Or the IKEA diet. Sorry I mean Keto diet. Hey I was close! He knows when you've been sleeping. He knows when your awake. He knows when you've been bad or good but please quit shaking the damn screen for goodness sake! HaHa! On a serious note, if any of you old school gamers out there have played Robotron before, you're definitely going to love this. My highest score so far is 79. Tomorrow I'm going for over 100. Thanks again!

Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback. I think I know what you're saying about the contrast between player character and background is the blending of the background pipes in relation to Homer the Plumber's uniform. They're all grey! Valid point! If I decide to work on the game anymore, I might consider changing the characters uniform or background's pipe color. Didn't think about that. At least his hat is blue. Go Blues!!!!!!!!

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I really like this game. Very Challenging! Santa is one bad Mo Fo. He's such a menace. And yes I do feel the earth move under my feet. He shakes the screen almost every time he runs after you. You know what I'm about to tell you. Don't mean to be the elephant in the room. I know we live in a PC society. But come on. Weight Watchers! Or the IKEA diet. Sorry I mean Keto diet. Hey I was close! He knows when you've been sleeping. He knows when your awake. He knows when you've been bad or good but please quit shaking the damn screen for goodness sake! HaHa! On a serious note, if any of you old school gamers out there have played Robotron before, you're definitely going to love this. My highest score so far is 79. Tomorrow I'm going for over 100. Thanks again!

Thank you! By the way, you've got a pretty cool developer title name and icon image,  "Suckerbird Games". I like that! Very catchy! Don't ever change that! I can't wait in the near future to try out yours and everybody else's game. Been swamped with the moving process. Taking stuff and downsizing stuff from one place to take stuff to new place to accumulate more stuff?  Sounds like a videogame plot in the making. Remember this, there's a sucker born every minute, then there's Suckerbird Games. The one and only. Everybody else is just a sucker! HaHa! Thanks again!

Just as the late great Elvis Presley once said and now I say to you. Thank you, thank you very much! Haha!

Thank you for playing the new version of the game. With the music changing back to the start when picking up shield, I intended on doing that. Was trying to go for an interactive experience and put a break up in the main song instead of just adding a sound effect.  Think of riding the ride at Disneyland "It's A Small World" over and over again and being trapped on that ride with that ride's main song. You would need therapy after being stuck on that ride for a whole day with that continuous song loop! HA! Also if you listen real carefully, you'll notice that the whole song was broken down into segments of wave files. I did this cause I wanted to keep the game's file size as small as possible. Remember, I'm challenging myself here.  Also the up arrow only key was for the one button achievement . For the shield, you temporarily can't pick up another speed boost or get another shield till after you're finished with the first shield power up has finished it's course. Once the first shield power up is over, you can then choose on getting a new shield or a speed boost. I intentionally set it up this way to keep the game from being too easy.  Thank you again for playing this game and whatever you do, don't ever get stuck on the "It's A Small World" ride at Disneyland. HA!

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There is an added feature to the game which speeds up the room speed for a few seconds when the character lands on the animated arrows.  Really makes things interesting! Also I adjusted the level design platforms  slightly to make the gameplay a little more balanced. On the Youtube video, it's still showing of the first version of the game, not the latest.  Was having problems trying to upload a new video on Youtube so I thought better not to mess with it then and leave the video alone as it stands.  Hope this helps. Sorry for the confusion. I think you'll like this version better :) Went ahead and deleted the first version of this game for submission. So now you have the latest, greatest version.

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There is an added feature to the game which speeds up the room speed for a few seconds when the character lands on the animated arrows.  Really makes things interesting! Also I adjusted the level design platforms  slightly to make the gameplay a little more balanced. On the Youtube video, it's still showing of the first version of the game, not the latest.  Was having problems trying to upload a new video on Youtube so I thought better not to mess with it then and leave the video alone as it stands.  Hope this helps. Sorry for the confusion. I think you'll like this version better :) Went ahead and deleted the first version of this game for submission. So now you have the latest, greatest version.

An update to the game that I've submitted already.  Added a new gameplay feature and changed the playfield area slightly. Thank you for the extension.