Ahhhh this is so exciting!!! I can't wait for the merch shop to open... keir merch shall be mine!!!
Recent community posts
I understand wanting to buy things, but if it is too expensive for you to buy at the moment- save up. Games are NOT a need, they are a LUXURY. If you are in financial difficulties, there are more importabt things you shoud contemplate before buying games.
Prioritize your necessities (food, rent, water, etc.) first and do not act as if it is the end of the world if you do not get it immediately. I come from a third world country myself and know how expensive things are when converted to my country's currency; but I save up for these cases. Which is exactly what I am gonna do for Obscura because I cannot afford it this month. Please, mature a little before you type out things like these; it only makes you seem like a child throwing a tantrum, and learn to spend responsibly.
1. It is the creator's first game and it takes a lot of effort, plus they literally STATED that having payed the 5 dollars will make the rest of the updates ACCESSIBLE
2. The paywall is there to prevent minors from getting their hands on it
3. "Dude is a demo"? It kinda isn't; its literally chapter 1 of the story, the rest of which you will have access to later on if you paid the 5 bucks.
4. The excuse that the price is too much in your country doesn't fly, because the conversion you mentioned in a comment (24) is literally the same one as in MY OWN country. If you feel like you cannot afford it at the moment, there a probably things you can prioritize over a game, or you can also save up.
5. Your first comment was so rude, have some decency and learn to be POLITE. You can easily just play the SFW version if you do not agree with the price.
The chapter was perfect. I just finished it. I love how much effort is poured into everything:
- the OST is AMAZING. I LITERALLY STOP AT TIMES JUST TO LET IT GO ON. It fits the game so much! I wonder, are you guys going to release it at some point? If yes, I would love to buy it!
- The background art is so gorgeous... you can literally get different vibes from each one of them... Naturally, the character sprites keep up being beautiful too (LOVED BLUSHING CAL UWU)
- THE CLIFFHANGER OMG. I EXPECTED IT BUT STILL AJSKDJASKDJAL CAN'T WAIT FOR THE FACE REVEAL! The implications of the words said... After all Oppo did mention that we weren't that important to be shown around... Guess someone knows past us huh? I LOVE IT