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A member registered Nov 17, 2018

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You get the bottom slot filled first.  Took me a while to get it, i missed that there was another valid move for the second push.  The only valid first move is to move the right block down.  The correct next step is to move the left block, not the right block a second time.


with block1 being the left block and block2 being the right block

block2 down - block1 right - block2 right - block1 down

then it should be pretty straightforward

Doesn't work for RenPy 8/Python 3. Any plans to update this or is this abandoned?

Just unlocked Primal Shards and i was playing around with the "Set Shards" button and the number fields and i lost a fraction of a primal shard due to floating point error.  I now have 22.999 Primal shards after awakening.  On Awaken when you refund the shards you might want to add a check or just round to he nearest whole number since it seems like you should only ever gain whole shards from seraphim.

Also can you please improve the description of the crafting systems because none of them make complete sense and I don't feel like wasting either my items or what is a very limited resource right now trying to figure it out.  In the tutorial for crafting you should really have a section for each of the 4 types and explain them in depth and how they interact with each other.

And to prevent confusion in new players maybe consider renaming the crafting 'shards' to 'materials' or something else since you have "Primal Shards" and crafting "Shards" both being added in the same wave of new systems.

(1 edit)

Great progress so far.  Only complaint is with sleep and confusion being way too strong.  Just feels so incredibly bad when RNG just ends a run and there's nothing you can do about it.  Made it like 30 floors my first run and just got wombo-combo'd by 3 things in the tiny room i started in spamming confusion and sleep and hadn't seen a single item to cure either effect and even popping both my floor wide sleep item and my everything can't attack item they just recovered from those effects faster than i did and just reapplied what was on me, burned through all my healing items trying to tank through it all and just died.  Had already popped all my teleport items on other instances of confusion cause it was just happening all the time (i can't believe its 15% like stated in a previous comment, was closer to like 50% from my experience).  If damage atleast made you wake up from sleep, and confusion only had a 33% chance to make you attack/move in random directions it would make things so much better.

Edit: Intelligence traps are also really brutal since there doesn't seem to be a way to reverse their effects... just suicided my 2nd run cause i took a regen rune for 2 int damage and then proceeded to hit 2 int traps in like 5 floors making me lose my map and and 90% of all item descriptions and F that... never taking any npc trade getting rid of int ever again.

Yes, all enemies are male or neutral so choose male and all scenes will be m/m

Ran through it from the start a couple times to try and make progress but almost always halted at the same spot.  Did like 5 attempts and 1 of them resulted in an infinite fight with the demon so don't think you fully resolved that issue but it's better.  The other 4 the fight ends correctly after turn 5/6.  But it's still wonky cause the text saying you should play defensively doesn't show until after you select your first move and even if you chose a different spell or basic attack you still master the healing spell after turn 1.  Can make it through the fight and wake up and have the conversation with Galen and gain control of the character again.  Despite having already looted the bracers from the cabinet the sparkle and dialogue is back.  Upon leaving your house, if you reenter you see a clone of yourself just standing in your bedroom.  Galen tells you to meet him at the castle after waking up but if you go to the castle gates the MC says he has no reason to go there and if forces you to turn around.  Galen is in the magic building like before but uninteractable.  You can talk to tomas to get the necklace but reentering his house always replays the line of "i should let him know i'm ok".  and the game is just soft locked cause it doesn't let you into the castle.   Some flag or logic check is wrong and you can't progress to see the king after he was cursed.   After all this happened I installed a cheat plugin to teleport to the various castle maps to try and force progression and still couldn't make it happen.  One npc even says like 'galen is waiting for you on the stairs' but he isn't there and going to the throne room the one guard is both guarding the door to the library and on the ground knocked down before his body starts hoping 2 tiles at a time through walls to the left.  King is nowhere to be found.

This was done on the windows client.  Playing through the browser you can't even leave the house at the beginning with a "Failed to load  img/characters/!%24SF_Gate1.png" error

Wanted to like this but with a horrible UI and absolutely no information given to the user and either cryptic or non-existent feedback it just feels like a waste of time and is just not fun.

Seems set up as a multiple play-through, learn as you go, type of game.  A bad UI really takes the enjoyment out of this experience.  Some things you should consider:

  • "This game is best played on desktop or laptop computer" yet only uses like 1/3 of the screen width.  I'm on a 1440p monitor and have to scroll down if i have to click on the final 2 options.  Double up on the destinations so its 3x2 or even 2x3 instead of 6x1 and use more of the screen.
  • So many unnecessary clicks.  The "It's a new day" screen that requires a click serves absolutely no purpose and hurts every time i have to click through it (which you have to click it almost 30 times every play through).  Clicking out after talking to one of the helpers one screen at a time is also painful.  Have useful buttons like "Back to restaurant" or even "Set the next special" button after looking at people's Files.  Its 4 clicks to get from a person's information back to the restaurant.
  • If you do get it down to one screen without scrolling consider saying the day's rewards just at the top or bottom of the screen and eliminating that separate screen as well.  Twine games should minimize the amount of scrolling and clicking that needs to be done whenever possible.
  • Why is there no back button when viewing the menu to set the special?  You have to select something and it can't be changed once set.
  • From the game page it sounds like the playground is where the sexy stuff is and i assume the whole point of the 4th week is to play with the 3rd week's guy and/or any of the guys without time penalty?  If so then why is there an unskippable 4th week if you have no guy to play with?

The "game", if i can even call it at, is just not fun.  Games have feedback.  The user does something, the user gets meaningful information back about how their action was either helpful or not.  That's what puts the "Interactive" into the "Interactive Fiction" tag this game is labeled as.  There's no concrete information given to the user at any point other than whether you win or lose an encounter.  And you never know WHY you won or lost.

The reason why learn as you go, multiple play-through, games are fun is the feeling of satisfaction from getting better and overcoming an obstacle that at first seemed impossible.  As far as i can tell, there is no 'getting better' at this game.  You either know what you need to do, or you don't.  And the process to get that knowledge is just pure trial and error.  Which in and of itself is not a bad thing, except the trial and error is so boring and and unrewarding.  I played like 2.5 games and I'm no closer to beating any of the people and nothing meaningful happened.

After doing almost 3 games I still don't know what you are actually supposed to do.  Do you make a dish that both people like?  Or dislike?  Or only one of them?  Or is it the vague and unhelpful Company 'liability' i should be targeting?  You said in a previous comment to pay attention to certain 'keywords' in the description of the dishes.  I tried to do that, and all the obvious (atleast to me) choices were all completely wrong.

Also at the end of my 2nd playthrough it said i got a note or something but never found where to actually read that.  Wing-A-Ling's "Guidance" option still remains blank and is just rubbing salt in the wound having a blank "Guidance" option in the game when all I want to know is what the hell is going on.

Maybe the stuff the 4th person says is supposed to be hints but they just say words, and I have no context to make them actually meaningful.  I remember he commented on me not switching out my chef and loyalty.  Maybe switching chefs between each adversary is useful and it would be helpful information.  But I don't even know what chefs do or why I would want a different one or even why i lost in the first place so it's just meaningless and unhelpful.

Final verdict (TLDR): As a 'game', it's just not fun.  As a 'smut delivery system' all I can say is "What smut?".  It seems like all the NSFW content is the 'reward' hidden behind actually winning this trial and error game.  It has a lot of potential but I just don't see any reason to play more.  I'd take just a "How to Play" on the menu with an info-dump of game mechanics and primary objective.