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Bugs! (Post 'em here!) Sticky

A topic by Gryphbear created Dec 02, 2020 Views: 573 Replies: 6
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Developer (1 edit)

Please, let me know if there's any bugs for the game in this thread. 

Be as detailed as you can, thanks, and I'll get to fixing it as soon as possible. (What you were doing up to the point where the bug happened, exactly). And to the one who posted the bug - I apologize! I didn't realize that switching the type of comments to Discussion forum would erase your message - please just post it here again, 'k? :) 

(1 edit)

I have found 2 game breaks...
First is when you speak to Galen for the first time from across the table. He asks you to come look at the scroll and it moves you to the doorway and takes no more inputs. You have to force quit. (oh and talking to him from the side works just fine.)
Second is after you touch the scroll again when you speak to Galen again you are brought into a vision with King Terrance who just endlessly loops "Who are you!?"


Thanks! :) I am aware of those bugs - That's odd. I'll check into the scroll bug - but I've fixed the last bug - somewhat, and tried to make the cutscenes more smooth without needing as much figuring out if you have to click on this or that. (And for the last part, I need to finish that cutscene. I should have stopped the demo when they 'vanished' from the Guild. 

Ran through it from the start a couple times to try and make progress but almost always halted at the same spot.  Did like 5 attempts and 1 of them resulted in an infinite fight with the demon so don't think you fully resolved that issue but it's better.  The other 4 the fight ends correctly after turn 5/6.  But it's still wonky cause the text saying you should play defensively doesn't show until after you select your first move and even if you chose a different spell or basic attack you still master the healing spell after turn 1.  Can make it through the fight and wake up and have the conversation with Galen and gain control of the character again.  Despite having already looted the bracers from the cabinet the sparkle and dialogue is back.  Upon leaving your house, if you reenter you see a clone of yourself just standing in your bedroom.  Galen tells you to meet him at the castle after waking up but if you go to the castle gates the MC says he has no reason to go there and if forces you to turn around.  Galen is in the magic building like before but uninteractable.  You can talk to tomas to get the necklace but reentering his house always replays the line of "i should let him know i'm ok".  and the game is just soft locked cause it doesn't let you into the castle.   Some flag or logic check is wrong and you can't progress to see the king after he was cursed.   After all this happened I installed a cheat plugin to teleport to the various castle maps to try and force progression and still couldn't make it happen.  One npc even says like 'galen is waiting for you on the stairs' but he isn't there and going to the throne room the one guard is both guarding the door to the library and on the ground knocked down before his body starts hoping 2 tiles at a time through walls to the left.  King is nowhere to be found.

This was done on the windows client.  Playing through the browser you can't even leave the house at the beginning with a "Failed to load  img/characters/!%24SF_Gate1.png" error

I tried to play it for the first time. Went through the Options first and changed some things, when I backed out I got 'Error: Quota Exceeded.'

v 0.70, after cloacked witch disapear before curse king, i couldn't advance more further,  i cant interact with galen or i may missing a thing?


Can't go to the castle after wake up