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Yeah, my musical skills are somewhat lacking, and I didn't anticipate for it to become a rage-game, but you seemed to have had a good time. I wasn't focused on balancing and more so making a game in time, so I'm sorry that it is so brutal in the beginning. Thanks for the review! :)

(1 edit)

Thank you for writing this detailed feedback. The timer in the left was supposed to auto-submit your build if you took too long, but I somehow managed to break this in the final version 😅.  The timer in the right was a way to stop the game after a while, and that was the only way I could think of at the time. The creatures were a final touch and did bring it all together. It is nice to hear that you guys enjoyed playing my game so much. :) P.S.: yes it was intended to be played that way

Yeah, originally you only had one pet but I figured it was to easy. Should have asumed I was decent at my own game. I'm sorry if it caused pain. 

Thanks. Well, my thoughts were that you are quite literally "building to scale". But I can see the connection being ... lackluster. I'm happy you enjoyed it!

I really enjoyed myself solving the puzzles and getting the famous "OHhh" - moment. My favourite one was figuring out how multiple mushrooms interact with each other in "Growth Blocking". I did have to skip some levels that where to hard for me, but solving the hard levels I could wrap my head around was forfilling enough. I also loved experimenting with the pumpkins and the music was fitting to this charming 2D puzzle game. Good job :)

Thanks for checking out my game. The menu as you could tell was my main focus. The pets walking against each other is extremly intended and mostly because they like each other :)

Thanks for the review! In the four day time limit I somehow forgot to add a tutorial 😅