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A member registered Jan 05, 2019

Recent community posts

Did anyone else notice the "asobi asobase" reference or was that just me

I guess there would be in the future like there should be one when we have a better understanding of the whole story but it's just not implemented atm (or that it's just sth unimportant)

Is there even a right password for marks phone?

The game's status is now "under development" that means there will be an update to the story once every month until the status of the game becomes "completed"

Ranok I want you to....

I think Herbert actually died and Walter is just delusional about having a brother in gils route he mentions that Herbert has been different since the accident like how mark also said that his brother was different ever since. And maybe Walter has a split personality disorder that would explain the situation with Mark being stalked by someone who looks like Walter. But yeah that's all just a theory

Guys spoiler alert but I need to get this out of my mind. Do you think Herbert is alive or dead? I just want to hear your speculations

Lol nah just messin

Lol what about the episode I still find him cute and wholesome


Will there be any updates to the episodes or is that the end of them cuz it felt like a no


Eh nvm It seems I was running an old version that's all

I don't have day 7 is that a bug or just the way the game is?

When did it ask you for the password?

Ok is the day when shoichi  meets his mom missing  on android ? Cuz since the save files are buggy and not working I re-played the game and it ends on day 28 with shoichi saying he is going with his mom to a play but he never actually meets her in this version of the game it ends one day erlier than announced and I tried everything but still the day when he meets his mother is missing idk about u guys but I got this bug idk what to do about it pls send help (although it's trivial since I already  played that part and it doesn't change any progress but it still annoys me a bit)

Hey wotb will you add the new song to ur soundcloud I rly wanna add it to my playlist and also it would be amazing if u added some of the covers u alr made in the game they are pretty amazing

Nvm it worked

(1 edit)

Uuuuh why can't I download  it says sth bout copyrights and not giving permission? I am using the android app

I guess yuuichi will top cuz he is still new to all this gay stuff and the likes and well........ wotb actually already posted a pic for shoichi sucking knows but I guess yuu will top 

It's on wotb's twitter if you wanna check it -censored  tho-

Did u guys see the new cg things gonna get hot between yuu and sho 18+ :3

Does your fingers hurt cuz damn dude u wrote an essay here -although I totally agree with everything you said- but just wow the amount of time that would take 😂😂

Just download the new version when u install it there will be an option to "just update data" or sth don't worry ur saved files won't be erased

*SPOILER ALERT*This update was rly unexpected I thought they will win on last second I was literally in tears when they lost

Lol same here happy valentines day to shoichi

o........K where is the update? 

I thought  so too

Guys who knows when the next update be

I hope so, it's the best visual novel I played so far