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A member registered Jun 11, 2021

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either one, it's a personal thing but I believe a lot of games or media could do more with the idea of ghosts possessing people, but I understand if it's a hard mechanic to implement in gameplay or story, I just wanted to make a suggestion

Do you have plans to add possession in the game? I'm loving it so far!

I couldn't get screenshots of a lot of bugs in the poker game since the screenshot keys move the dialogue forward, but I caught this one. We're both tied with king high, but I should have won this hand because my second highest is jack, and hers is only 6. Something like this has happened several times before, not just with Rose, where hands that initially tie give the victory to the girl even though I should have won the tiebreaker

ghost slime always

ghost slime did nothing wrong, let me release her for good >:(

Thank you for the response! Can't wait to play the new version in September, then!

Hey, I just have a question - the game looks like it gets a public update every month, so will there be an August update soon?

You don't, 6.9 is the max you can get as of ver. 0.19.708

if you're on the patreon build then i have no clue

It sure is, Celica

Also how come you can't fuse the Mythril with the Treasure Finder?

Apparently the secret to that is to set your allure as low as you can make it, it decreases the chances of nel letting enemies play with you

grind until max level i'd say. if you can, put all your points to the ice spell to knock at least one of them out in one hit. it's the most annoying part of the game so far but you can do it

Also, up the drop rate for sleepless roses, I've found one (1) rose drop that was instantly followed by 6 fairy fights in a row

Please for the love of god make the battle animations skippable, as I'm writing this message I'm currently in my 3rd loop of fighting fairies, because they put me to sleep then grab me, and each turn takes like 15 seconds because the animations take so long, and the moment i wake up, assuming i'm still not stunned from climax, i get one off, it puts me back to sleep, and i have to wait another 5 minutes to even get another chance at getting them off.