Thank you so much! Yeah, I do a LOT of writing, and your comment genuinely made my day. I've wanted to make more VN games but I have to think of the right plots... and find time. Lol. Thanks so much for giving the games a shot and enjoying the ride. :)
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Recent community posts
Hello, my very first visual novel game just got a revising, and it's done & free to play. Great for anyone who likes a fun female MC story, or anyone who enjoys horror, romance, or mystery. You can see the trailer here;
And you can download the game for free here; Nightingale Manor
Updated, just touched a couple things up and fixed a typo. :) Back to the Past
Hello, I've recently started toying with the idea of making visual novel games, and my first (completed) one is an otome called Back to the Past. Mainly for a female player, and it contains some thriller/psychological vibes. It takes place in the 1980s, and it's my first step into this world of VN games. I would appreciate all feedback and advice. Thank you, and you can find the game here; Back to the Past
I've finally finished Back to the Past, a fun little visual novel game that I wanted to finish before Halloween. It's a bizarre little 1980s love triangle with elements of suspense and thrillers... and romance, of course.
It's free to play, and I hope you all enjoy it ---> Back to the Past (Full Game)
It's the 1980s - and you're a wayward girl in need of a fresh new start.
After driving off on your own and parking on the side of the road for the night, you have a chance encounter with a professional bank robber - and suddenly you find yourself stuck with him after his getaway. He and his neighbor don't seem to get along, and you find yourself wondering which one of them you can really trust.
Only time will tell how things might play out from here.
The updated demo is out now! MC homegirl here can now have a custom name. Just like Back to the Past, all that's fully decided about her is appearance.
Here's the update, enjoy! Nightingale Manor (New Demo)
My first visual novel was fun to make, but I think I can improve it a bit now. It's a horror/romance/drama type of thing, so I'm hoping to get it done before Halloween. It's not meant to be an exceptionally long game, but I want it to be less janky and cut-off than it was before.
Stay tuned for more. You can see the page and the trailer here; Nightingale Manor
This might take a while, since my hard drive got fried and my old Tyranobuilder projects got corrupted... but I have the artwork and soundbites, so I can recreate it from the ground up if I find the time. I plan to actually have a devlog and update it periodically this time, too, just as I'm doing for Back to the Past.
Here's a few pieces of Nightingale art for ya. Ta-ta!
All right... I managed to find backups of all my artwork and soundbites, but the project in Tyranobuilder got corrupted, so I have to recreate the game. Still, it's not as bad as it could have been. If I lost all the artwork, I probably would've given up on it.
Anyhow... I'm recreating and improving things now, and the demo has been updated, so here ya go! Back to the Past (Demo)
Thanks for the feedback! I do plan to come back to this someday and give it a total revising whenever I have time (and more practice using Tyranobuilder). It was definitely experimental, just to see if I could put something together, but your feedback is very helpful, and I'm glad you liked the story! Thanks so much!
I've just started on a visual novel (still very new to making VN games), and I thought people might enjoy this one, since it plays largely on 80s nostalgia. I have a very early demo out, just shows the intro scene of the game and such, but I'm planning to work very hard on the completed project, and I still have a lot of drawing to do for it.
I would be really grateful to get a bit of feedback on the demo. It fits well for anyone who likes visual novel games with a female MC, wherein friendship and romance options impact the story, although there's a bit of the 80s crime genre present in the game as well.
There are kinks in this, but I'll polish it up best I can as I work on the rest. Here is the demo if anyone is interested; Back to the Past (Demo)
And thank you so much. More updates to come, hopefully soon.
EDIT; the game's done now, and (due to the subtle horror elements that emerge in the story), I think it would be a good thing to play for anyone looking for something to play on Halloween. Enjoy!
I'm Konspiracy (pen name Ginger Davies). I have a lot of things published, both written works and comics. I enjoy lots of things, mostly apocalyptic, 80s, and romance with horror and thriller themes attached, and I tend to write in those realms as well.
I've published a lot of my works, but I only recently started adding anything to itch. I just uploaded chapter 1 of Ark of Time here and I'm hoping to add more of it soon if anyone likes it. Ark of Time
As for recommendations on this site, I highly recommend the visual novel, Where Winter Crows Go. Loved the hell outta that one, and its artwork is fantastic. Plus I'm a sucker for the male character being just the slightest bit insane. :)
Heya! Totally new to this site, and this is my first visual novel. I originally planned to make it longer, but my plummeting health isn't gonna let me work on it as hard as I was a few weeks ago. So, I've finished it as solidly as I could, and here is my first experimental little VN game, a horror-romance that I hope you all enjoy; Nightingale Manor
Heya... I'm working on my first visual novel, Nightingale Manor, and I wanted to post somewhere that the recently-released demo is fixed, because the first night I uploaded it, I didn't add the whole zip file (working while tired). It's fixed and totally playable now; Nightingale Manor (Demo)
I'm also trying very hard to make the MC as "drivable" as possible. I wanted her to be a fixed character so I can do a lot of custom art of her in the story, but the choices in the game will determine her attitude, bits of her backstory, opinions, age, likes, dislikes, etc. So, while Zariah is very much herself, she is also very much "you."
My transparency tool also ended up giving the sprites something of an outline, but I ended up liking the way that looked, so I'm just gonna leave that be. I enjoy how it looks. Don't know why, but I do.
Hoping to take this game places, and I'm having a lot of fun making something in this medium for the first time. I'll be posting updates here whenever I possibly can (if, God willing, I remember to).
Hello, my name is Konspiracy (pen name Ginger Davies), and I'm currently developing my very first visual novel game. I've done a LOT of mangas, some of them published through a small press called Free State West, others free to read on sites like ComicFury - but I've never made a visual novel before now.
Nightingale Manor revolves around a girl arriving to a mysterious and isolated mansion for a new live-in job, befriending a man and his son and helping to lift their spirits after a recent family tragedy. The story focuses on her building a relationship with them - but there's something off about the place, some dark, unexplainable presence that she can't quite put her finger on. To call the Nightingale 'haunted' wouldn't even begin to cover it all.
The main character is Zariah - and while I wanted the MC to be a fixed character (so I can do a lot of custom artwork of her), I am also trying to include as many choice-making options as possible, just so the player can make Zariah their own. Choices in the game will determine bits of her backstory, her general attitude, likes and dislikes, and her age. So, while she is Zariah, she is also very much "you."
My transparency tool also gave my character sprites a bit of a physical outline in the game, but I ended up liking the way it looked, so I'm just gonna be making all the sprites that way from now on. Lol.
Anyway, if anyone can offer me a bit of feedback on the demo, it would greatly help me work on the rest of the project, and the full game will HOPEFULLY be released before Halloween of this year. Just remember that I do not have a team, and I'm still learning as I go - so it will take some time to release the full game.
Thanks so much for reading all this if you did, and here is the demo for Nightingale Manor; Nightingale Manor (Demo)