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A member registered Dec 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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I've noticed, that your game launches in the same window on Firefox. For some reason It always opens a new window for my game. Did you make any special configurations in godot or

(2 edits)

Nice to hear!
The game was developed using Godot for the engine and GIMP for the visuals. If you have any other questions or feedback, feel free to ask!

Thank you a lot!
I definitely will continue working on it.
I'd like to make it straightforward enough, so it doesn't need a tutorial, like Vampire Survivors. Was there anything in the game that was unclear to you?

I have maintained the same temperature anomaly (+.92°C) and the same total CO2 in PPM (366) now for the last 3000 years. It would have been great if there was the option to really win the game instead of just building the eco dome and save yourself.

There are a lot of individual posts, categorized by tier. How did you come up with all of these and how many are there?

So this is the fourth iteration on my idle game. Controls should be in the game description.


Build a kingdom and earn lots of gold. You can choose between different play styles: Active clicking, strategic and challenging or passive and relaxed.

Clicking the button produces gold. You have a main building, which gives you its full production value. After that you can build vassal buildings. These give you a percentage of their accumulated wealth. After that you can build for each vassal their own vassals and so on and so on. In order to have vassals of a certain rank, you have to be higher rank than them. Mines empower your clicking strength, farms increase your passive income, castles give a bit of both and have a high vassal limit and towers leach a lot of gold, but produce more gold later on.

If the clicking gets to tiresome, you can drag a building to one of the buttons on the left side, to copy its entire hierarchy. You can then paste it with the  associated number or by clicking the button.

It's better on the PC version. The fundamental problem is, that with every additional metal, every family takes more time to check out the market. I will either reduce the pace of unlocking metals or modify the market trading algorithm to make less comparisions.

Opening and Closing the Menu is such an obvious point, it's embarassing it never occured to me.
Adjacent building boosts would give the game a good amount of strategic complexity. So I will definitively look into that.
Thanks a lot!