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A member registered Feb 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Cant wait to see the updated version, nice going

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Sadly i cant play this game, screen turns black, flashes a bit and game minimizes.
each time i start or make the screen big it does the same.

Sadly couldnt find any way to attack, the art look nice though and i did manage to run all the way to the big dragon boss lol.


Nice and short puzzler, found a switch to drop rocks on the boss finishing it fast lol

Loved this one, like how you have to rotate between each character.
Also the fact that they each have seperate life is a nice touch.

Great game

I wouldnt want such a boss. GJ

Like the idea but hard to control.
Took me some time to get used to this.

good job

Had fun, reminds me of that old game where you defended against aliens (forgot name)
sadly third level always gave a bug and coulndt proceed :(


Thanks for the info, not sure what it can be but after updating the models i will look into it (even if its just to get more experience for optimizing etc)

Where did it crash if i may ask?
And downloaded or browser version?

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Really enjoyed this one, dont know how to block an attack but had alot of fun playing it.
great job.

Def gonna replay after i tested all of em

Pretty fun.
Only thing i missed was a bar or anything alike to see how far the fire is behind you
I love the ragdoll characters, guess that took alot of work

Pretty fun and short game, i like how the helicopters are used.

Love the concept, great art.
Those snowball throwing octopus are so annoying lol.
great game

To bad to hear, i hope you can still update the game.
Looked promising

This is alot of fun and very extended.
Especially suprised that you got the level editor ingame in such a short time

Pretty fun game. Had a small bug with the chest though so it took up half the screen but for the rest its pretty fun.

I like it, easy, straightforward fun.
Like an early double dragon game

Did something go wrong with the export of the game? on startup i enter some form of testroom?????

Enjoyed this game alot, pretty good for an alpha version

the meaning was to make you character harder to control, however if to many people suffer from it i will tune down the bonusses gained with each power up after jam voting

really liked this one, great job.
Took me a few tries for even the first levels ;)

Wall jumps feels kinda slow and cant see the theme in it.
For the rest great game, was really fun.

Had fun, managed to get to lvl 9. sure took some time to get used to the power ups as you have no explanation but still pretty fun and fast game

Short and fast, fun to play

Fun and short.

really like the atmosphere

really wanted to play but it constly freezes, i do like the concept though so i hope they will still let you fix it

Love this game, good sound/graphics and mainly a fun and unique concept

pretty fun but hard game, just wish the controls wherent responding that fast lol


Although there is a small bug (could drive off the map) its pretty fun and fast pased.

I liked the controls and visuals

liked it, easy controls but fun to play, would love to see this with sound effects and music

Had fun, didnt knew how to switch to warrior first time as you see no indicator and read the ingame tips (which dont talk about the 3 seconds delay). Wish they both had there seperate roles as atm i always felt i just had to go back and wait for warrior to recharge putting the game on pauze sort of speak.

Still great concept and nice art

No worries , now i know this ill retry. Game looked like it had alot of potential

couldnt switch body to warrior :(

Very unique concept but sadly not as fun as it sounds. annoying to find the doors

Easy and fun concept, nice one

pretty fun, and you did an amnazing job for just 1 week.
Didnt got to the end yet but will defenitely try again when i got more time

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Had some creatures in the second level that started walking on the grass and thus didnt follow the path, or was that intentional?


came on a point where i couldnt even move due to being so big, around the 30-35. but for the rest cool game, nice job

Nice one but also kinda confusing, no tooltips for the plants(towers) and sometimes creatures dont follow the path.

Still nicely done