i already made a tutorial for rocket jumping (in 2d) but similar logic should apply to 3d. not 100% how to do wallrunning but i could try making some movement like that someday...
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This game was made by me (Kravataf) and it can be played on both gd.games and itch.io. Also these boards supposedly aren't automatically moderated but that doesn't mean you can post NSFW stuff here. Also if you have any ideas/suggestions on what I should add, either make a topic or join my discord server and write it there!
actually a good game? the only thing i would really change are the controls (or just add wasd as a movement option pls other than that its okay) and maybe add more visual stuff like z ordering for the levels and stuff.. other than that pretty cool game 2 things i really like is that you can make the bullets explode if you cant dodge and 2nd thing is the fixing part im glad you didnt just put a timer (thats what i thought originaly when playing bc i saw the number 15 so i was like bruh) but it turns out its really great.. you just have to click fast. :D really good game!!
also if you have the time could you check out my submission? thanks
really good game :D i like the art the controls were pretty simple to understand the only things i would change is that there could be more levels than one i have to replay and also (this is just my preference but) you can kinda play beat the game solo just have 1 window sit on the door button thingy and the other can finish the level :p this could be fixed by requiring all players to be touching the thing at the end buut idk.. overall a really good game! also its crazy good for the fact that it was your friend's first time doing pixelart (based on what u wrote in the description) soo yeah idk what else to say good game 👍👍
also if you have the time could you checkout my submission? thanks
pretty cool game!! love the artstyle and i like that theres solo mode :D the game is great but i would probably make the timer a lot shorter.. i had 51 points solo and it wasnt even one third of the timer (but thats maybe just a preference) and i would (also maybe) make the player carry the item to the car? because you can get like 3 or 4 items in a row that are next to eachother soo it takes like 3 seconds to find them.. thats all i guess really good game :)
also if you have the time could you check out my submission?
really amazing game!! played a few rounds/games idk what to call it i had to play solo unfortunately soo idk about the multiplayer aspect :( but i love that you can select different weapons!!! i like the healing mechanic and the artstyle is pretty alright, the only thing i would really change is probably the length of the game. i feel like it was bit too short but thats maybe just a preference (also im not really sure how to get score on the leaderboard? because i won few times but its still 0) :p idk what else to say more people should check this out idk how it only has 4 ratings..
anyways if you have the time could you check out my submission? thanks :D
really good game!! i like the graphics, the menu and the fact that it has like a how to play screen (not sure if i can really call it a tutorial) but unlike most games i got what the objective was in like the first 30 seconds (counting me being it the menu, starting game and that stuff) also the cutscene/comic thingy at the start is pretty cool :D the only thing i would really change is the difficulty because i was playing solo and i beat the first level pretty fast but then i run out of time on the second because i was always like 2 windows away from beating it just for more to get broken in like 3 seconds.. but overall its a really good game i dont really understand how this could only have 2 ratings?? really underrated :u
also if you have the time could you check out my submission? thanks :)
really good UI and unique graphics!! but i would probably make some text like the bow dmg more readable (somehow) other than that its pretty good :D also about the gameplay im not sure if its like each player spawns on a different island but i couldnt find anything outside the island i spawned on? idk what else to say pretty cool game
also if you have the time could you check out my submission? thanks :D