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A great system! I really like it. I’m currently designing a game derived from the Solo+ version where you play a journalist/superhero. One of the mysteries (called Scoop) I’m working on will be a three parts one with clues identical from one part to the other, to help having links and deeper connections between the different parts of the Scoop.
Merci pour ton retour!
Concernant Calypso: son utilisation est complètement optionnelle, je pense ne pas l’avoir suffisamment développée, du coup son intérêt est un peu limité.
Concernant les outils: noté! Je pense que j’aurais dû fixer la boîte à outils pour éviter d’avoir le souci que tu as eu (et, d’un point de vue narratif, éviter qu’elle flotte dans l’habitacle en apesanteur).
Bonne idée pour le fichier solution, je m’en occupe rapidement.
Un jaune est une personne embauchée à la place d’un gréviste (article Wikipedia
Hello! I bought this a few days ago and really like creating with it.
A little feedback:
I’d like to change the language to English and not my computer French default. How can I do that?
I’m using a small screen and neither the windowed mode nor full screen allow me to see the full interface (there is no scrolling bar in the advanced settings pop up)
A little bug: In the instruments list, instrument played when clicking play is not the chosen instrument but the one below the chosen instrument(once exported it’s the right one).
About the French version: when learning music, the notation isn’t alphabetized but use the Fixed Do notation (here is a link showing the equivalent designation: Wikipedia. I think it can confuse people to have to learn a full new desigation system. Maybe it would be possible to add a toggle to switch between the two designations?
I just released my third album called Perce-Oreille: you can listen to it here: Download is here:
All tracks are under licence CC-BY-NC. .1bd files are included
I really like the software. So I created a little podcast to gather my tracks. It’s available here: and on itchio too (