The concept is good.
There is no music.
The camera hurts my eyes.
I like the possibility of cooking variability. The icons are readable.
In the ethics and aesthetics test, we had to talk about any work in 5-10 minutes. It could be a painting, music, movie, book, game, and so on. I chose this game. The final score is 9 out of 10. The text of that speech is attached to the comment. The presentation was just screenshots from the game.
На разборе «Kiwis Can't Fly».
Для понимания. Игра короткая и не предполагает большой реиграбельности. Она простая и лёгкая, как акварель в её стилистике. Делалась в рамках темы гейм джема «Отложить неизбежное» в очень сжатые сроки маленькой командой людей. Не ожидайте от неё многое. Мы просто передвигаем предметы под падающей птицей для получения мелодии. Звук зависит не от цвета, а категории.
Цветовая палитра ограничена оттенками коричневого. Разбавляется по одному оттенку жёлтого, красного, зелёного, синего. Порой предметы выставлены лесенкой из одного класса – только котики на мётлах, шарики или облака. Впрочем, чаще всего расположение предметов на экране хаотично. При этом не ощущается перегружено. Получаемая мелодия звучит приятно. Это отмечают также люди в комментариях к игре. Я нахожу некоторую логику символизма и практичности в появлении предметов по мере падения. Первое - это облака мечтаний и надежд. Исключительно наслаждение чувством лёгкости. Они единственные действительно единые с небом.
Вторые шарики с гелием. Их уже можно использовать для поднятия тушки. Хотя не практично. Киви весит до четырёх килограмм. Шарики оторвались от земли, не застряли в ветках деревьев и не лопнули, стремясь вверх. Правда, им тоже суждено упасть. Далее видно, как предметы становятся тяжелее. По мере продвижения им всё проще падать.
Третьи зонтики. Тут можно вспомнить Мэри Поппинс и какие-нибудь мультики, где в качестве парашюта использовались пакеты и крохотные куски ткани. На нём может улететь маленькое киви во время шторма. Но также зонтик используется для защиты от дождя. Ощущается переходной стадией от сладких грёз, к встрече с подготовкой полёта в реальности. Киви говорит «Но все знают, что киви не могут летать. Возможно, это правда. ». Тем не менее птица прыгает со скалы навстречу ветру. Не боится идти против общественного суждения и принципов. Четвёртые котики на мётлах. Это практичный и логичный транспорт в рамках мира игры. Самый реалистичный способ для киви летать. Но это не то, что ей подходит как птице. Это даже не парирование. Хотя с точки зрения «Полёт – это перемещение по воздуху.» киви достигает своей цели. Движение идёт во все стороны. Кроме верха. Пятые – плоды. Соприкасаясь с ними что-то выпадает, но это ничего нам не даёт. После киви падает на землю. Это напоминает историю про Икара, но без физических последствий. Птица выживает и снова идёт на скалу.
Вобще зачем маленькая киви прыгает со скалы? Казалось бы, живи себе спокойно в своих пятидесяти норах с честью нося титул «почётного млекопитающего». Киви уже давно ближе к зверям, чем к птицам. Их строение не приспособлено к полёту: редуцированные крылья, оперение как шерсть, слабое зрение, массивный скелет. Но ей зачем-то надо. Ответ невероятно банален. «Я люблю небо.». Отражает иррациональность мечтаний оказавшихся сильнее фактов в голове и обществе. Эта птица прекрасно осознаёт, что она делает. «Наверно, я уже знала… киви не могут летать.» . При этом сама решается прыгать.
Меня цепляет её дальнейшая реакция. «Я не буду плакать. Я рада, что попробовала. Я всё ещё люблю небо. Даже если я не умею летать». Это определённо сила духа. Обжечься об свои мечты, но не возненавидеть объект мечтаний, себя и последствия. В последующих прохождениях нам не дают метлу, шарик или что-нибудь ещё. Мы просто раз за разом падаем с одними и теме же мыслями, предметами и мелодией. Если обратить внимание, то после первого прохождения на кнопке повтора будет стоять знак вопроса. Логично. Стоит ли пробовать ещё раз, если результат известен, а действие не меняется. Вспоминаем классическое «Безумие — это точное повторение одного и того же действия раз за разом в надежде на изменение.»
На примере этой птицы прекрасно видна нравственность упорных людей. Можно расценивать как красивую метафору о стремлении и мечтах, своём пути, уверенности в своей правоте, смелости, надежде, возможности изменить себя. Подобно многим успешным людям, катившихся кубарем по граблям к своей цели.
Но ещё больше тех, кого все эти трудности сломали. Кто так и не взлетел. Обратная сторона не логичного подхода: излишняя мечтательность, наслаждении иллюзиями, безуспешность, травмоопасность. По итогу игрок решает дать птице спокойно наслаждаться небом после неудачи или снова сброситься со скалы.
Игра заняла первое место в категории "Аудио", второе в категории "Настроение", восьмое в общем зачете пятидесятого проводимого геймджема. "
Tips for those who also did not understand how to play it. We are looking at two clues in the first world. Switch to the second space bar. One of the puzzles on the carpet. Move between the elements using the W and S keys. All three elements are moving. Although I didn't understand the logic of which one of them would start moving. Switching between them did not take turns. It seems to be a portrait in profile.
In the puzzle with the lock, the movement between the elements through A and D. The password can be understood by the clock on the hint elements. Although you won't understand it the first time. At two timer the hands are poorly drawn in terms of length. It does not read where the hour is and where the minute is. I've tried many different combinations. Next, I have a bug with layering the image of a hint with a large clock on the world. After sitting for about half an hour over this game, going over the combinations in my notebook and the game, I got tired and quit.
I got tired of the music very quickly. She's not scary. She's annoying.
The style is pleasant. Visual language only confuses. The character goes for the map and half for the items. Without reading the description, the basic mechanics and plot are incomprehensible. The plot here is interesting. As they say, "The idea is interesting, but the implementation failed."
The hitboxes of the objects are very tiny. Even pressing the object clearly, it might not work the first time. The idea itself is quite touching. The game is really beautiful.
This loud "MEOW", in the middle of a quiet melody, scared me and my cat. I didn't change anything in the settings beforehand.
In general, this can be beautifully developed. To give importance to the text in the description of the objects, you can, for example, bring them to the hostess as the plot progresses. By influencing her to remember the ending, or by getting additional information like that.
I liked. This game has a pleasant aftertaste. She's like an unexpectedly found candy.
The style is pleasant. The heroes, miraculously, not only have motivation. It is also understandable!
The path to the first improvement is very boring. It gets better with time. After buying a couple of upgrades, I stopped buying them. I didn't want to change something good for something less effective. Therefore, when I had played almost enough and bought an improvement... the game ended in one move. This is unexpected. I liked.
Well done. I didn't find any bugs. I like the sequence of levels. This keeps you from getting bored and creates a pleasant dynamic.
The music is pleasant and unobtrusive. The palette and the environment itself are cute.
The change in gravity at the end is organically integrated into what is happening and does not cause irritation. The mechanics with the leaves would be infuriating. But due to the fact that the leaf disappears when it collides with a spider web, slow players can make barriers from additional strands of the web before the necessary one for climbing. That's cool! The physics of the web is working properly and there are no difficulties in using it.
As they say, "I don't come online to cry." A little touching game. A fairly standard generalized plot of life, which is why it affects a huge number of people. But this plot in the illustrations remains personal.
The visual style is quite vivid. Usually the tones are made more subdued in such stories. But I like it. The jagged lines remind us of the memory's ability to erase details.
If you erase it quickly, then the illustrations are not particularly considered. This is partly a good thing. It is not visible that they are drawn in an extremely limited time. It resembles the theory that in the last seven minutes of life a person remembers his whole life.
The music is pleasant and complements the atmosphere.
I completed it in about eight clicks. It could have been less if a deuce hadn’t rolled up several times in a row, sending you down the stairs from 6 to 4.
The game is like a gambling machine. Incredibly detailed sprites in a limited palette do not merge and look harmonious. I can totally imagine music while throwing chips in some playlist for study and relaxation. By the way, it gets interrupted when moving between tabs.
It's going pretty well. The gameplay, background, weapons, enemies, music - everything is monotonous, but nothing becomes overly boring. Only pleasantly familiar.
I like that the enemies are of different speeds. I don't like that it's not clear how far to the next level. Enemies in moderation. Hearts too. Perfect balance. Jack is good. Its image, design and music reek of old movies with tough macho men, a little less gallant than Indiana Jones. Bee animation is a separate kind of beauty here.
This is not a difficult game. This is a very unusual control. And strong sliding of the slime(?). The absence of music is very noticeable. The game has no atmosphere, which seems to be lacking here. The game does not set the mood for speed. At first, I went through it slowly. Over time, the map becomes memorized and becomes boring.
The overall palette is dark, but the foreground does not merge with the background. One detail I like is the multiple sprites for the stages of partition destruction
Nice style.Understandable gameplay. Constantly moving the camera away and zooming in is tiring. But the game is short. This does not have time to become very annoying and cause long-term discomfort. Quite fun. I was able to feel like a good dog. New mechanics are constantly appearing. The old ones are not forgotten and are applied. Quite a good example of smooth growth.
Firefox actually launches the game in a separate window. This doesn't stop you from playing. The concept sounds touching.
The main character, surprisingly, does not blend into the background. Enemies stand out well. In fact, advancement is only needed to raise improvement.
You can stand still the entire game. Because of this, buildings lose their meaning. Over time, there are a lot of enemies. At the same time, the spawn points are very easy to remember and see the materialization of enemies out of nowhere. I liked that you can delay them with the character's hit box, thereby slowing them down.
To some extent, this is a genius-absurd concept. But how cool it is implemented!
The cat always falls on its paws, the butter sandwich always falls butter down... Together they break the space-time continuum. The universe cannot allow such a serious threat. Therefore, through the puzzles you have to get out together with the cat and the bread.
I like that the game is short, but it does not bother, it feels full-fledged, the interface is intuitive, the plot is simple and clear, new mechanics appear over time (Cats are liquid! Yes! A miracle of technology for a toaster in action!), graphics can be called an example of successful styling and working with color.
I'm glad I spent my time on this game.
From the good. Beautiful pictures and font. It can be understood even with a little knowledge of English (if you understand the weather forecast). Even without knowledge of the language, by the method of selection, you will be able to complete the game. Our hero is not exactly a soulless dummy (he has a family, a job, thoughts, self-esteem, faith in the otherworldly). A large hitbox of items. Cursor selection with what you can interact with. The description corresponds to the content. Lasts less than fifteen minutes, even if blunt.
The bad is everything else. There is no music. The gameplay is monotonous and quickly gets bored. It does not bring anything new in literary terms, although the concept is interesting (you can safely write about five pieces of fan fiction with this). Flipping through a notebook doesn't work half the time. You don't get into the atmosphere.
Bottom line: turn on your music or the sound of rain/river/wind. Play.
A simple game with raising three acute social topics: burnout, parental custody, determination to change jobs. The game has a superficial look at the problems, which is perfectly combined with the style. Each of the problems is evenly revealed in the course of the action.
The authors perfectly balance between dialogues and gameplay. The language is simple. Even if you don't know English, there's not much text there. I got 103 screenshots in one complete walkthrough. There are response options that affect the messages received. However, the text only affects the degree of understanding of what is going on.
The characters are not worked out in terms of characters, but they are there, and they work. They can all be understood and met in life.
The animation is smooth, the drawing is uniform. The location with souls is a little surprising - why is the background in the form of a notebook in a ruler?
To do this in three days is incredible! It was as if it had been created for several months.
No bugs were noticed.
Often the blocks get stuck in the textures of the earth. Sometimes Vinnie gets stuck in a block of land. Often blocks of land are generated in such a way that Winnie cannot jump to them from the initial position and has to wait until the floor of the blocks rises to her.
Often she can't get between the blocks of the ground in a jump. But once the floor is reached, it passes quietly between the blocks. She often gets stuck in blue blocks when there are a lot of them and she jumps. Not just can't get out, but it hangs between them in the jump animation. Good luck getting out of this. This is quite realistic in half of the cases, if you quickly press in different directions.
From the details. Vinnie can nail not only a block falling from a height, but also falling from a stack of other blue blocks. (Vinnie is two blocks tall. If she moves the block, then the third one can fall on her and kill her).
*Vinnie is not an official name.