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A member registered Nov 17, 2016 · View creator page →

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Great graphics. I particularly loved the paper-like character design. The gameplay is simple yet efficient enough to play. The sound match perfectly.

Great job to the team ;-)

Best game if I may say ;-)

Just have a little to figure out the control

Love that kind of old rogu like :-D

Actually I didn't understand all of this... sorry

Story games are not my thing. Like it though :-)

It's a really good game. Like it :-)

Love the graphism and the story :-)

The idea is very good. But I wasn't able to go very far :-(

Good little game. :-)

Merci beaucoup pour ton retour. L'IA reste assez basique, ils font juste des aller-retour pour l'instant. Il faudra que je fasse une animation d'attaque aussi ;-)

Je vais voir ça.

Fâcheux, je n'ai pas de souci de mon côté. Tu es sur Mac? J'avais eu un commentaire une fois de quelqu'un qui disait que le .love était pour lancer sur Mac. Ce n'est peut être pas ou plus le cas...

Merci pour ton retour, ça fait plaisir. J'ai encore pas mal de boulot, notamment avec le redimensionnement suivant la résolution. ;-)

Merci pour ton message. Je crois savoir d'où ça vient. Ta résolution est de combien? Je code sur un 1366x768 et mon affiche et ma map s'adapte à la résolution. Mais je ne l'ai pas fait de la bonne façon.

Merci d'avance pour ton retour.

When I made my game in my 1st LD experience at the LD38, I was a newbie. It was not really good actually. Since that, I practice and overall, I learn how to pixel art. And that’s the real improvement that I needed. Because I was able to compete for the Compo. This is the result :

First, I’m really happy about my menu. It’s simple but it’s more professional than just put a picture with a script on it. Then, the game begin with a scenario that you can read to explain the context of the action. After that, you’ll be spawn in the middle of a grassland.

Your Machina can move, drill, teleport and extract. You can see the instruction at the left of the hud. In the middle, you have the status of you power count. And at the right, you have some information to establish your strategy along the levels.

There are 5 maps of different type. Each type have different element like trees, rocks… The generation is random. The oil spawn are random too. Sometimes, you only have 3 oil tiles. Sometimes, you can have 15 oil tiles. I’m working on a 1366x768 screen. When I tried a game in a 1920x1080 screen, that was really tiny. So I manage to adapt the window game to the resolution display. And voilà ! So the more your screen resolution is big, the bigger your map will be. Magic! At the end, win or lose, you’ll have a screen to tell if you run out of power or not. And you’ll have your statistics of your game played. With that you can adjust your strategy.

Things I’d love to do if I had more time :

  • make the terrain increase or not the cost move
  • add barbarian units or wild animals to stop my progression
  • add a gun to shoot the barbarian and the wild ;-)
  • work more on the teleport animation with transition screen and teleport on the new map
  • adjust a little more the oil spawn to get the game harder
  • adjust the spawn (oil and extra elements) in relation to your actual power level to get the game more challenging

I hope you’ll enjoy playing this game. And I’ll see you next Ludum Dare ;-)

@Jonathan Giroux (Koltes)

Yes you absolutely can ;-)

Last Christmas, my nephew received a connect four. Then I told to myself : "what if I develop it...?" Let's go.
It's a simple thing. There is no animation what so ever. But that was the first time I included a pixel picture I've done by myself, the little triangle at the top. For the rest, I just used the rectangle and circle function of the love2d framework.

This game is totally playable. You can play versus yourself or versus a friend. How to play?
The yellow is always the first to play.
Left click to play the yellow.
Right click to play the red.

Last year, I have joined an online video game school. Every month, the teacher host a game jam allowing us (the students) to practice a little with a goal. My first project was made for the GameCodeur jam #3. The theme was the use of list in our code.

I had the idea of making a little dummy which can walk with animation and here's the result :
All the controls are explicit directly on the screen.

I wanted to make a realistic moving with the switch of arms and legs even when it jump. Then I gave it the possibility to shrink and to grow until a limit. At this time I thought I can use it later in a game with size changes. I had encountered a little problem when a wanted to rotate all the arms and legs independently. But there is solution that I had learned in a course with OpenGL. It consists in using the key word push and pop between the form I want to move as I want. It's a little technical but I found it fun to actually apply school stuff in personnel project.

Later, a youtuber use my animation in a video if you don't have time to play it ;-). Mine is at 13:33.

Thanks :-)