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A member registered Nov 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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There are many unused variables along the way. It's just the way I do things, think of it as place holders if I change my mind somewhere in the future.

Thanks dude, those error reports are really helpful 😀

I'll fix them ASAP


Overwrite files when asked, let me know if it works. (Use only the .rar correspondent to your O.S)

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E já agora se não usar Mega uso qual?


App -

Package -

Hey there

What download did you use? And are you using other external files? (Walthrough/compressed/Unren) )?

Espero que seja PC -- >
Se for MAC ou Android diz-me para arranjar links para eles 

I've made a new "Update only build" hopefully this time it works, remember to overwrite old files.

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Hello there. Try this fix and tell me what happens


I have good and bad news for you. There will be a 1.0 indeed, but it won't be on June 1st. It will take a bit longer. About the rest... You'll have to wait and see.

Always remember to mention what operating system you are using, Never had that error reported before, Did you download the full 0.99 build?

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Aww... I love you too Megan Fox 😏
Once the game is "Finished" I'll polish it and add a few things... Maybe what you refer to is something to think about,


No problem


Have you used Winrar or 7zip to decompress it for example?

No difference, it's a mirror link... Like a duplicate or a backup link


Did it download with no issues? What operating system are you using?

Very well, For android 10 and older users here's what you have to do.
Download and unpack the .RAR file, If you used the (Mirror) skip this step and move to 1º

1º - Check if there is an .RPA file and an .APK file in your download folder, RPA is the big one, APK is the small one.

2º - Move/copy the "assets" file (The big one) to -- Android/data/org.ataegina2.the66/files/game -- folder

3º - Run the .apk file (Small one) 

4º - Play

I do 😄
What's your android version?

It sure is ;)


That was a really weird bug... Should be fixed now.

I do plan to keep developing games, whatever that might mean 😅


Enjoy ;)

Have you tried different extractors?

You don't, it's automatic. When you reach the end of Act I "Sloth" will talk to you about exporting your current playthrough to Act II and will ask you to name it. Then you start Act II and the saved exported file will show up.

Thanks :)

Fixed, thanks for letting me know ;)

You are absolutely correct. Thank you.
Here's the fix.

Make sure to replace the old one and do not let the unren version there.


There's an ending in the new update that answers your question ;)

Done ;)

New android versions don't allow it's user to create folders, yeah they don't let you create folders in your own device... Go figure...

You'll need an app for it, like Xplore or Zarchive to create folders and move files. 

You might be surprised soon ;)

Hey there Allen.
When the game surpassed 2gb of size some changes had to be done or android would not allow the instalation of such a "Strange" big file. 
Now to make it work make sure you are copying the big .RPA file and paste it in the -- /Android/data/org.ataegina2.the66/files/game -- folder. If the folder doesn't exist, create it.
Then run the smaller .APK file and you should be able to play, 
IF you still need help come join the discord, it's easier to help from there.


Make more games? 😅

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Yeah to fix that bug unpack this into game/images/spells/ if the folder doesn't exist create it ;)

There are still more endings to unfold, "evil" ones :)

Hey there, Silvana is assexual. So you cannot, at least so far...


Oh sorry, for some reason I saw Mac 🤔


Maybe 😏

About the compressed version I don't know because I don't make one. For the mega link...

There you go ;)

Estás a usar as versões originais? O Sloth disse-te que ia fazer o save para o 2º acto? Qual foi o nome que deste ao save?  Carregaste no "Start" no 2º acto?

Hey there, did you allow the game to "save and modify files" in your device?Looks like you have an S21 so hardware and android versions shouldn't be an issue.

I usually post all the links in my discord. Also useful to report if any isn't working.
