The groovy beats paired with the satisfying attack sounds makes for a engaging and fun experience :)
A member registered Sep 12, 2020 · View creator page →
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Use the portals and gravity to grab skateboards while avoiding enemies!
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Pharaoh's Tournament is a card game inspired by Egyptian Mythos, using their tales to create battles of your own.
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Impressive solo project! It is very complete and I didn't encounter any bugs. I like the background music and all the different types of coral, it made for a very relaxing experience. An issue I encountered was that I wasn't able to spot the next oxygen pocket while harvesting, so I felt disincentivized from diving further down as my safety was not ensured. I also would've liked for the coral further down to reap a bigger reward compared to the corral near the surface as a payoff for the added risk. Overall, great job and cool concept!