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A member registered Oct 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

As for my screenshot >>  I've been there, done that xDD So I rly had to laugh there ^^ But anyways.. I wanted to have a quick look into this VN game and I must say.. the art looks pretty neat! ^^ I sure didn't expect to see characters in underwear or bare-chested (woman and man) in this and also not this early, it looked nice tho :D The setting is pretty unique with the coming next ice age and trying to be ready for it/overcome it, but still... as soon as those chars were presented like.. like that.. I was like... uaaa way hello there haha ANYWAYS, I do read a lot of VNs and there is a thing that bothers me and that is: the text could be a bit more detailed or lets say, more novel-like. To me, the text is kinda too fast-paced and a bit tersely, which destroys a bit of the immersion and the feel of reading a novel. I dunno, it is hard to explain what I mean. But that's that, and I think there are some typing or grammar errors in it too, which also bothered me a bit and is an issue for me in a VN. These are my honest thoughts, my honest opinion ^^ So.. sadly, despite I do like the art and I would welcome this different setting, I can't rly get into it "^^ 

OMGAHHHH that is awesome :P Funny you know what I mean hehe. Yeah, I think, I like your games, I always enjoy VN games that are a bit different, dark and twisted or just weird <3 

(4 edits)

the music is so nice ❣️ and so is the writing,  I could feel that melancholy. The truths at the very end and the 2nd playthrough was rly cool! and I also loved the placement + name of the last steam achievement at a point in the 3rd attempt, it fit so damn well xD

It was so good! I really look forward to the next parts :3 

same and same xD but honestly i liked the main game WAY more than this fandisc 

That's awsome 🤩 Thanks a bunch :3 I'll go check right away. 

(3 edits)

uaaaa I liked it a lot! I love crazy stories <3 ALSO LOVED the dialogue line "Tonight's the night" because.. man, that reminded me of Dexter and I looooove dexter :3 

oh my, it seems I miss those variations :o I tried so often, but I just can't get the other 2 endings that I am missing :'( Would it be ok to share how I can reach those/what choices i have to do? the endings i got are: * spoilers ahead *





- gone out of the shop with a bouquet, unharmed and nothing special happened

- met the "wife", but got fed to her after beining introduced to "her" and talked to "her" (got CGs: of the guy looking at the sunflowers photo & the "wife" including the guy in his "garden", communicating & the "wife" only, (when being fed, then died))

- flirted with the guy all the time, ended up in a backroom, then was tied to onto his table and prepared and fed to his "wife",, seems I lost my limbs first, didn't meet the "wife",  died while being fed bit by bit and unconscious (got CG of the guy looming over me while lying on his table)

(1 edit)

*EDIT.  Thanks to the guide I was now able to reach all 5 endings :D My favorite endings are actually "don't waste his time" and  "???" :o  This was a rly nice little story, that kept me feeling the shady vibe coming from the flourist, it was made well, I liked it a lot! :3 

I could reach 3 of 5 endings ^^ But I tried pretty often and somehow I can't get the other 2 endings "^^ Is there any guide for it or something, so I could see how the other endings are? Or maybe sb share what I gotta do to see the other 2 endings? "^^

>>> the 3 endings I could reach are: * spoilers ahead * 










- gone out of the shop with a bouquet, unharmed and nothing special happened

- met the "wife", but got fed to her after beining introduced to "her" and talked to "her" (got CGs: of the guy looking at the sunflowers photo & the "wife" including the guy in his "garden", communicating & the "wife" only, (when being fed, then died))

- flirted with the guy all the time, ended up in a backroom, then was tied to onto his table and prepared and fed to his "wife",, seems I lost my limbs first, didn't meet the "wife",  died while being fed bit by bit and unconscious (got CG of the guy looming over me while lying on his table)

the votes so far say chain.. well i wanted a roya route SO bad 😭🥲 but votes are votes i guess 😅

😍😍😍 Congratz. This nice, dark otome VN with hot guys, thrilling story and wonderful art deserves more attention 💟

i hope so much it will work out :o oh god, i'd even pay for the extra routes etc if you'd sell it xD Anyway, your VN is so damn good, i wondered why it was free since ever😅 

(1 edit)

ahhh oh myyyy YES YES!!! I wanted a Roya route sooo badly 😍😍🔥 I hope so much, it will happen! 💖💖💖💖💖 I looooved Dark Nights! I want it, too, can't wait 😱👄

(2 edits)

omg, really now? wtf is wrong with you?! Even the first one was waaayyy too good to be free, I ever wondered, why they don't sell it for money! This game is so good and they fully deserve it to sell their VN!

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yes, yes, yes, loved the first game, looking forward to this one :D my favos were karma and waltz 

ty :) Yeah, I got kinda addictive haha cause I am a visual novel lover and it was very interesting, too.  OK, nice, maybe I'll write you then some time cause of a little donation, but now december comes and every € counts haha ( I'm quite poor). Bit I keep it in mind, you deserve it ^^

(2 edits)

I almost finished it and that VN is sooo interesting and lovely and the art is so beautiful, I hope for more routes of the other guys :o

 I really wanted to donate a bit, despite I am quite poor, cause he really deserves it and the vn is too nice to be completely free! But I can't do it via paypal or credit card, yet and there is no instant transfer option :'( This is sad :/ 

yes, i think the same :D i wanna have routes for chain, kaichi and roya :o some nice stuff about this "badguys" would be awesome *_* 

(1 edit)

[ edit: I would love to a yuri/girl x girl route for Rasumi as well :3 ]hiya xD I just wanted to say, OMFG, that story is so thrilling and cool, the vn is cute, heartwarming, creepy and thrilling at the same time, I totally like it 😊 and i never expacted that twists in the way they came out and still on sachiros route 😮 😃 very good^^ The only thing, that bothers me a little is, that the music most time is quite faint, but in some scenes it is so much louder, but there is only one bar to set the music volume. But that's it. I really enjoy the story, it is very good *__*

(6 edits)

I love this VN, it has so nice characters, the boys are quite the hotties haha and the story is very interesting ♥ I even shared it on facebook in visual novel groups and on my visual novel page, (Kuru's Visual Novel Paradise - The Pure Joy Of Visual Novels)  Where I recommended it :D But I really would have liked a Kaichi route^^ Whatever... you are so talented, you should do another VN like this, i would play it, too =) 

Part 1: DOKI DOKI Literature Club [ DEUTSCH ] #01 ♥ Willkommen im Club ♥ Niedlich & Psychohorror

Part 2: DOKI DOKI Literature Club [ DEUTSCH ] #02 ♥ Natsuki und Manga ♥ Niedlich & Psychohorror