Thanks!I tried to lock the cursor using the script within Unity standard asset, that doesn't turn out well. I will test this out later. Appreciate for the feedback!
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I like your team's game concept of making the gameplay an infinite loop, never played a game that goes loop back to the beginning at the end. Great graphic and UI, I would say the only thing is the introduction on the UI panel is too long, maybe make the gameplay more intuitive instead of using word to explain every rule? Great game I hope to see your team working together in the future!
You did a good job on creating the game menu, the how to play page is a dynamic tutorial instead of plain text. (the jump is not working in the tutorial page though) One suggestion is maybe make the obstacle/trap more visible or dynamic, now on the second level I just keep stepping into the trash because it doesn't look dangerous. Great game and cute graphic!
I like the simple game graphic and the BGM, it feels like I was playing the Story of the Seasons again. The gameplay of the first level feels nice, maybe adding more randomly moving sheep will be more challenging, and get rid of some rocks? (now collecting 9 is too many). I also like the fact that the sheep can push the rocks, maybe you can intentionally do that on some rocks.Good job on the whole game loop!
I would like to congratulate you on achieving this project! I like the vagueness of the game environment, it feels like the player is in between virtual and reality. The set up of the four different room feels nice, each one of them is unique and player is able to experience different type of feeling within. I have nothing to suggest for this game, but I think you can make series of game like this, creating different terrain and environment and include different lecture.
I really appreciate your team's concept, and your effort of including the LGBT+ group in your game! One thing about the game control is that sometimes if I place the hand to a new position it immediately drop down, after checking your trailer I think that situation is not meant to happen, maybe it is the problem of the web build? I think your game is pretty complete, I'm looking to see more of your work in the future!
I love the overall aesthetic, the font choice and the assets drawing are very cohesive. The detail that you can pick up the sword feels nice, if you can pick up the shield and use it to block the bullets might be another nice feature to add. I think if you don't want to add the blocking mechanism, maybe you want to adjust the enemy shooting frequency, now it shoots at a high rate and there is no way to dodge. Or you can make the enemy shoots in a certain pattern, and let the player figure out the right timing to dodge. Looking forward to see your live demo next class!
The hidden weapon you add into the game makes it so challenging and interesting to play! I can see you put a lot of thinking behind the level design. The slow walking speed also makes the game even more challenging. The sound effect is also great, they are effective and not overwhelming. I'm looking forward to see more levels in this game.
The sound and the gameplay is very soothing. I think without adding any static obstacle makes players feel like they are actually soaring in the space. The animation, character, and texture you created are fantastic, and they go well together. I would encourage you to add scenes with different environments or spaces, making the game more interesting to play! Like traveling in different galaxies.
The overall style of the game is adorable. I love the fact that there are different interactions between the bunny and fruits, some fruits bounce away, and some fruits just kill the character. I wish the instruction can be written on the title page because people might confuse the gameplay if they don't read the description first.
I like the texture and animation you made for your game, especially the rotating pizza and how it combines into a whole pizza when you touch the missing slice. I would love to see this develop into a more challenging game by adding some poisonous food, so you might lose slice during the gameplay. But this is just a suggestion :)