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A member registered Apr 14, 2023

Recent community posts

Heya Mofu-san long time no see

Can you give me enlightenment on how to edit/make my own translations on the game? It would help me a lot

Brother... You're just bad

Mofu san the discord server is uhh ready already so now only divulgation about it is needed

bug fixes 

not yet on the game

You just have to need patience and buy SOUP  

The fights don't need to be modified just because you're "bad" at the game, there are resources to help you at beating them and you don't use it because you don't want to

I don't think it's vagina, more like leggings or something

Manga not comic '-w-

Mofu already answered you:

"Yes, the next update will add new monsters and shorts"

I know you like helping the community through the comments and all but please give a break on the suggestions my dude, the game is only at the "start" so please if trying to recommend something go by small stuff since the game is made only by Mofu (except translations)

Not trying to hate or anything, is just that i see a new recommendation to the game asked by you everyday and that's... A bit eh (i dunno how to put it in words)

First off you need a mushroom: (dropped by common enemies)

Then you head up until you find a dog (he'll have a mushroom hat or something)

You then equip the mushroom and give it to the dog when the "gift" option appears

After that the dog will follow you

 then you'll have to bring him to the cow girl and interact with her, after that a different action will occur and the fight will start

Hope i could help :D

Buy a lot of soup and good luck

(1 edit)

As much as i love the game the new update is just more bug fixes and a bit of some simple mechanics such as automatic sprint/dash and get down the ladder whith "Y" 

So I'm pretty with nothing to do here again and just waiting for more lore to drop

wha the heck is this image dude...

💀 indeed

não foram implementados no jogo ainda

(Aquilo é tipo um mapa de desenvolvimento mostrando as coisa que já foram adicionadas e que vão ser também)

Mofu meio que atualizou ela junto com o mapa embaixo dos meses 

Fight mushria (mushroom monter) and go straight right (don't fall into the hole, jump + right instead)

Another day thanks Mofu for making such an amazing game

I forgot to say but I'm talking about the next update

I have a question:

Will only a new image of the skunk girl be added or will there be some dialogue as well? It's just that... I'm the type who enjoys the story more than the actual porn and I'm already intrigued by it

Não está no jogo ainda

To everyone saying bad things about the Dorlly's fight:

Just don't fight her :) it's a totally optional battle and her weapon is dropped at the beginning of the game too

There's ppl that like the character (like me and look that I'm not even into this type of kinks but the fight was pretty fun and challenging on mobile) and what did you expect of a skunk? Perfume? 

not in the game yet (the images/illustrations)

not in the game yet


GONE! (The village didn't got added yet)

I'm excited about the purple one tbh buuut only time will tell and i hope the next update doesn't take too long (i don't remember where i saw it but it takes at least 2 weeks or more/less to update)

Not a bug there's just isn't any since only the battle is available as a sneak peek of what's coming


 for now only the fight is available but hey Mofu is already working on the dialogues, animation and etc.

Basically i recommend if you use the bow (they drop at the entrance of the angel/devil (?) Statue) and just dodge the running attacks (only attack she she tries to throw something at you)

Yep, up to now the only uhh I'll call them monster that you can collect the semen is the bnnuy


1 - there's no blue mushroom boss yet just the blue mushroom item (gives the glide ability)

2 - the skunk boss is just a sneak peek at the boss fight and according to mofu he/she's working on the animation now


If it is the mushroom monster of the shop dialogue then right after interacting with the blue mushroom (shop item) and activate the dialogue 

 just go straight right until the boss appears (it's easy to recognize the arena and she will be there) 

Notice that you have to activate the interaction (the blue mushroom) or else she/he won't appear

Because this game is good? Tbh i do the same and also because i want to read the comment section and see if i can help someone

Not in the game yet

If dorlue is the skunk (sorry I'm bad a remembering names) then just fell down the first hole of the game (the one with the spikes) and keep going right non stop and at the big cliff (the one where down it's the entrance to the chubby mushrom) just do a double junp and glide to the right (you will find a hole/door wich leads to her)

I hope i helped

Basically these plants change the size of the boobs and the nuts of the main character making them big or smol

Yet there's literally the option "hide pregnancy" and the whole egg part is optional and you don't have to do it so... Yeah