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A member registered May 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing :) Yeah, we plan to do some more work on this soon. Top of our list: make the stats more useful (and say what they do), make the enemies shoot each other a bit less, give the rivals some more personality

Yeah, the message log was a bit of a UI afterthought, as was the combat action list. We’re definitely going to add more content to this game, so stay tuned for a full release.

Glad you enjoyed it! Our plan was to give out more rewards for pushing your luck, but we didn’t get to it in time. Soon :)

When we revisit this to add more content, we will definitely make the link between fleeing enemies and arena combat stronger, and maybe have some ways to prevent them from joining.

Very kind words. We have a lot of work to do to balance the game out and make more of the characters interesting choices. As for the theme, there are only minor hints toward it right now.

Fair comments! We set out to make an intentionally confusing game, so we knew we’d get some feedback like this. There is a strong link between “enemies running away” and “so many enemies I couldn’t get past”. :)

Oh also, the soundtrack can be found at

The best way is to go back and re-use arenas you already know about to challenge them earlier.

Ah, no. :P I didn’t get to implementing item use and equipment swapping in time. Shame, there’s a lot of equipment effects ready to go!

Sound effects is a good idea. I’ll add it to the pile of things to do. :D

(1 edit)

I do want to revisit this and give it a bit more polish. Making the stats more broadly useful is a must. I’m glad you enjoyed it!

Yeah, the pacing is a bit off for sure. On my to-do list is a much better AI that tries not to shoot its allies so much. I wrote the existing AI in maybe 10 minutes…

Thanks for the kind words! We had a plan to add some kind of “item collector” power to the player ship but ran out of time. The working title was “Bullet Hell Roguelike” so you’re right on the money. :)

The latest update is much harder than the 7DRL version! We definitely have work to do for more balance.

I do have a vague plan to show character/enemy movement, but the engine makes it slightly annoying. I’ll figure it out.

Glad to hear it! I didn’t do much testing with Edge because it’s basically Chrome these days…

Hiya, if you go directly to the embedded page here:

Do you see anything useful in the javascript console? Which browser are you using?

Quick, intuitive and enjoyable!