Thank you for your feedback!
The Boss has some known issues in some systems. It has to do with how Godot processes transparencies in the version we used. Hopefully we can make workarounds or it will be fixed in a newer version of Godot.
Yes the final boss may be a tad too harsh, specially if you were having trouble with the movement.
Will pass and discuss the feedback with the rest of the team. Not sure how much we will work on this game, but it will definitely be part of the things we test for and make us try better next time.
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Glad you enjoyed the game.
The wall running is a tricky balance, in the beginning of development it was too easy and it trivialized it, now it is OK for a lot of people, but I will admit it is a bit more finicky. But the idea was to have a movement based FPS something that flows. It was the first time the team tackled 3D and we did learn a lot. I also agree with the drops, but between skipping adding a item spawning mechanic to generate the drops while hunting bungs, and me personally not producing the sprites fast enough to have room to do the pickup sprites, we just left it at just recovering random fingers or recovering health.
I did not know about that game, but I do see the Eldritch vibes. Thank you for the pointing it out.
The song was just something I found during the Jam, but it was so on the nose and had the kind of energy we wanted to bring to the project :P but yeah to make the game and have the music in there would have been a dream
Nice game and idea. Needs some work with the popups to appear and disappear at the right time. Maybe some quality of life stuff like allow to reorganize the upgrades to make space (unless it is not what you were aiming for) and some more clarity here and there on what things imply, like it took me a beat to figure what the left and right grids were. Also not very clear when the inventory wipes happen. Still all of this is minor and it is a good show of concept. Keep up the good work.
Thank you for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed the gameplay and art. Yes it has come to our attention that some people have trouble with the shaders specifically the final boss one. We have some theories about it, but during the development time for the Jam, we did not catch it and we did not have enough time to have it tested. But we will see what we can do post Jam.
Glad you did not run out of fingers, some people do. So I'm glad the difficulty curve is not so out of balance, even if it does need some tweaking.
Thank you for your kind words and feedback.
Yes I will ask the rest of the team if we can add an option for the walking sway, so it is more accessible.
As for the final boss, you can melee with the right mouse button, so you can recover fingers and not spend as much in the early stages. We might also discuss some re-balancing to make it easier to recover fingers, but in principle with the melee attack you should recover them more efficiently.
I have played it, I can say the egg exists. I have no screen shot to prove it ...
It's an interesting little game. I did spend a good time playing it, but there are a few things that could be addressed.
Movement is fast, but it feels floaty and uneven at times, you feel like you move slower near the portal, and the static background makes the movement jarring and you loose all the sense of movement and place. Many times I was never sure how far from the mortal I had moved.
I also feel the camera movement with the aiming should be in the opposite direction so that you can see more in the direction you are aiming. For instance if you are moving left and aim left you just stick to the edge of the screen and you can't see anything. if you are moving towards the portal, not even the arrow that points back to is visible. Up and down is even worse as you have less screen space.
The upgrade system is nice, but there is not much feedback on how far you have taken each upgrade. The only exception is movement speed, it would be nice to have a similar indication for regen and the other upgrades.Sure you can see their effect, and as there is no cap that I could find that is OK I guess, but if I'm aiming for a specific build I have no idea how close I am to it.
It also did not feel great that all enemies drop the same amount. Sure at late game they are all one shoted, but early on it feels strange that harder enemies give the same reward as easy ones. The difficulty could also be made to scale with the progression. enemies could also scale, or even just give damage over time upon contact instead of just on first contact. That would make the game interesting for longer.
There are also things you can expand upon, maybe some multishot or scatter, or different attack patterns. So I will look forward to any updates and goals you add to the game.
Still don't be discouraged by my words. The game ran smoothly even with a ton of enemies on screen, it had tones of fun moments and personality and it shows that you are on your way to do great games. So keep at it, you are on the right track.
Really liked it. full of charm and some delta rune vibes. Loved the magic system. Some of the parts to get the key where frustrating because the path detection felt inconsistent, and the second room did nothing even if the first said only half key, but I guess I had the full key at some point.
the keys used could be more in line with the UI to feel more natural, but once I had memorized the keys to the elements the combat became really snappy.
Great work overall
This is really good. Good Baba is You vibes. Took me a while to figure that you wire multiple things in one go. But when I did (with the cultist) it really made me want to see more levels.
It also wasn't clear in the beginning that not all inputs can go on any activity. And yes by the end I figured out you can circumvent it, but it felt a bit random why, specially in the beginning.
Still an amazing little game. Definitely made me want to play more. And if this is your first game, I look forward to what you can do in the future.
Yes I should have explained better that part of the controls. The knife tilts opposite of the motion, and even more if it is spreading something on the bread. if you move vertically it increases or decreases the rate of tilt, so if you move diagonally back and forth, you can rotate it, one diagonal clockwise the other counter clockwise. Hope you have fun with the game.
If you are saying up to the submission deadline, yes you are free to update.
If it is after the deadline, then no luck it will be locked. They will be locked for judging.
If you mean in a broader sense of working on the project after the Jam. Yes you can do it, not sure if still in the same itch project (or if it will be possible at all, or how long it will be locked), but you will probably be encouraged to further work and improve your game if you want in a broader sense.