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A member registered Jun 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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I played this obsessively back in the day. I love that there are so many viable ways to build your character and that most encounters can go sideways if you aren't careful, due to the debilitating status effects etc that some enemies can inflict upon you.

It can be frustrating at times, especially with ridiculously deadly hallucinations, but if you use all the items and spells at your disposal it's not unfair. I remember fondly discovering there was a secret cache of oil flasks near the first "boss" and if you loot them you can take him down to almost nothing by throwing them all at him instead of spending days grinding to get strong enough to fight him toe to toe.

The story is great, the descriptions are evocative, and it has both strategy and tactics. Highly recommend.

PS. the "cluebook" is actually a novel written as a story from the perspective of the main character and is worth the $10


Cool game! I think the player's thrust is calculated from the center of the screen while the aim of the gun is calculated from the center of the player. I assume this is a bug. I was juuust about to give up before I figured it out and then it was playable and I managed to get the surprise ending.

Great job making something playable and fun, even if it was a little buggy!

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Well, that took some doing! I had a really hard time at first because I thought there was no way I was getting that bookshelf in the door. I spent like 10 minutes looking for a way to get the garage open, before I realized the door from the garage is just as small

I thought it was a very interesting take on the theme. I don't think I've even played a moving simulator lol.

My biggest complaint is how inconsistent the throw strength is. I always use full bar, and sometimes it practically drops it at my feet and sometimes it launches it past the door from the ramp.

Don't be sorry, it's a game jam! You did a great job releasing something that worked at all! A book on game design I once read said "Your first 10 games will suck, so hurry up and make them"

I thought it was a really creative and well executed one button idea! A lot of people tried to find ways to either work around the limitation (by allowing you to use mouse input + a button) or shoehorn single button controls into a genre that usually requires more. You made a whole new game type that only requires a single button and I thought it was quite clever. I loved all the little animations too.


1. as others mentioned 5 minutes is too long

2. give easy another gate

3. allow keyboard input. I know that's technically more than one button, but I think if it has the exact same functionality it still counts. hovering my mouse over that button for 5 minutes sucks, and caused me to miss 5 seconds away from the end q_q

4 stars!

If you give me a link to love.dll or whatever you need to fix it, I'll rate it

The animation and the ai is very impressive for a 7 day effort. I love how everyone is staring at their phones. That said, I just don't have the patience to fully explore this vaccination simulation. I wish you kept the word bubbles up longer, and sped time up even more than you already are. I want to explore this and see how different characters react to the trolling, or what happens if I never activate the troll in the first place, but it just takes too long.

I like your outside-the-box thinking! Is it possible to lose this game though? It seems no matter which button I trade for I pass the level. Also some (ui) buttons don't seem to do anything or need to be clicked more than once. For example, the only way I could quit was alt-f4, despite there being a button to do so

but the ones with gaps between them are just too painful for me q_q

Great little game. Didn't hold my attention for very long, but I could see how it could if it had more content etc.. I'm not a huge fan of the time limit, and would prefer it somehow getting harder until I died. My current record is 45 and I don't see it likely that much more than 50 is possible. At first I thought the controls were too slow, but then it became clear you are using input buffering and so it becomes much harder to max out, always making sure to put in your input at least one action ahead of time, and thus becomes much easier to blow up a mine by accident. 4 stars

I played again today and got a lot farther. I hate jumping through the gaps you barely fit into. Also, you might want to consider resetting the controls when you lose progress. climbing alllll the way back up with the spaced out controls was just too daunting a task for me haha. Maybe I'll have another go at it after I get some work done.

awesome!! Thanks!

rated yours already!

It's neat how similar the concept is to "Defence Console" while being entirely different.

Thanks! There was no music though sadly.

Awesome game! I love your creative take on the theme. Sadly I did not have the patience to finish it despite being a fan of rage games. I kept clicking outside the window in my frantic attempt to move the button around and the game lost focus.

And to all the haters, I think it fits much better than all the games that consider mouse movement plus a button to fit the theme of "one button" automatically

I actually think it fits the theme better than most of the games in this Jam, and its a very creative take on said theme. The theme is "one button" and the game features a single button you have to drag around.

That was certainly not the ending I expected

Great second entry! It gets a little repetitive, but it sounds like you are adding things for the post-jam version. Mind rating my game? It's my first!

Great second entry! It gets a little repetitive, but it sounds like you are adding things for the post-jam version.

Love the take on one button! art and sound are great, but the controls are a bit frustrating. I can't quite put my finger on why though, I feel like there is some latency or something

Cool lighting and music, but the game is impossible no matter how efficient you are with your knives. Maybe tie knives spawned to enemies spawned in some way so that is always possible to kill everything if you never waste a knife. I also feel like scroll wheels (and mouse movement, but that is not featured in this game) are cheating

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1/3 is an exaggeration. i did manage to pass level 3, so its not unplayable or anything. just frustrating

ya I'm pretty sure it was when I supposed to be able to dash but I couldn't :( Like say, just walking along on the ground not having recently jumped

I loved this game! 5 stars for sure. Three criticisms:

1. I got the cloning fast enough that I could just spam clone and the obstacles became trivial.

2. The game got repetitive after awhile once I got good enough at the mechanics, I could go forever without cheesing except...
3. There seems to be some sort of terrain generation bug where multiple rooms try to build on top of each other or something

I love the concept and the game in general. Super hard but in a good way. My only gripe is it seems like about 1/3 of the time I make a vector, it doesn't register at all for some reason. I tried playing in full screen and that did not seem to help :(

no I mean even when I click allow it still stops it for some reason. I'll try again to bypass i

Antivirus won't let me run it :(

very nice physics puzzler!

was I in the right general area? Or do I just need to find all the money?

Man, and you thought my game was hard! Loved it though (I like hard games). It does a good job of keeping the one button mechanic with the limited controls, without making it frustrating to move around. you can rapid fire space bar to dash out of danger if you need to, and whenever I die I feel like it was my fault.

no! not unless falling infinitely was the easter egg. Maybe I should have another go

love.dll was not found

Wonderfully silly story. I loved the minimalist art style and sound.  I didn't quite get the "one button" connection though.

That was great! I managed to drive off the edge of the world, but it almost seemed like you left that gap on purpose. It's awesome to see a game made in Godot as well!

(2 edits)

added a web GL version