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A member registered Dec 08, 2023 · View creator page →

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Aha it was what I thought :)

You're welcome ! :)

No the camera is not that bad, it's just a ps1 style camera aha :)

Hey thanks I'm glad you liked it ! I'm starting the Wwise course today so I'm pretty determined to continue on audio focus games ;)

Thank you for your feedback !! <3

Yes I read that and tried the right mouse button and tried other keys etc but never found the way to reload ! Maybe I've misunderstood something aha ! 

Thank you very much !! :)

Fun to play but background images was not the best idea. It makes the ennemies and character position readability complicated ! :) Also you can collide with ennemies on upper platforms which make some situations not easy. Congrats for this game !!

Every artistic aspects are really nice ! Congrats !!

Is that because I'm carrot that every forest animals are attacking me ? aha ! It was smart to not be able to collide with trees ! And graphics are simple but beautiful !

oh you tried it ? Thanks for your words I appreciate ;)

You're welcome ! Great job ! ;)

I succeed to translate the flyers then I tried the code several times and didn't manage to find the right one so I walked through the stage and then through the door and then I won aha ! Congrats it was interesting ! The camera is a bit capricious ! :)

The concept is interesting, the idea to go in mine and go out before suffocating have a great potential ! But it lacks some pieces to make the whole thing work in my opinion, like sounds and also I didn't understand the way the ore is spawning and the way to mine efficiently ! But great potential as I said ! Ideas are there ! ;)

Yey ! I managed to finished the game ! It was cool ! The musical atmosphere is awesome ! 

At the beginning I thought I'd be able to manage to finish the game but damn you made a ton of stages aha ! Congrats !

I love the atmosphere, the ps1 style graphics and the post processing effects ! But unfortunately didn't find the way to reload so the adventure was quite short each time ! But congrats the visuals and the sound design are polished it's nice ! 

Hey the idea is really creative ! I can see the potential with a coop mode ! It shows us how stressful can be an amazon job aha ! :)

I'm glad you liked it ! Thank you for your feedback ! It's much appreciated ! ;)

Thank you :)

Thank you Azzla ! I'm so happy to hear these words ! At the beginning I was afraid that the game was misunderstood ! I'll sure keep it up thanks for your encouragements ;)

oh really ? I have a guy tried it on Linux and said it works perfectly well. Weird. And confusing because without sounds there's no game aha !

You're welcome ! :)

You're welcome ! You should continue it ! Keep me informed ! :)

English is an alien language for aliens, don't you think ?

Waow ! So impressive this is the most finished, polished and fun game I seen in this jam ! The atmosphere is incredible, the challenge is here without being too hard ! I found every secrets and the key ! It was a great moment ! What an impressive job ! Keep it up ! 5 stars !

Thank you very much ! And yes that was the goal to create confusion at the beginning, and the lights are the only way to show the player where to go and what to do, the sound also help the game design ! I appreciate your feedback ;) Did you manage to see the end of the game ? :)

Thank you very much I appreciate a lot your feedback ! <3

Thanks a lot I appreciate your feedback ! It's my first game, it motivates me to keep it up ;) Maybe an episode 2 where you begin on the pylon ship aha !

Graphics are really nice ! Love the character animation ! :)

I won !!

Yey ! Really interesting gameplay mechanic !

Cool ! I love the notes when you're creating the spells ! :)

The controls make the game really difficult to play, but I love the graphics !

Cool ! The only issue I found is that when you want to write the alien word, if you're wrong you can't go back and read again the alien word ! But congrats !! ;)

Great game, nice atmosphere ! The wall jump is a bit counterintuitive !

The animation of the character is awesome and the atmosphere is really fun too ! I like the way you have to propose a simple gameplay element and it works perfectly ! Congrats !

You're welcome ! The work achieved is huge !!

Not bad !! It took me a bit of time to understand I had to use the num pad aha !

It's aesthetically perfect ! I love the graphics, the filters and the way the music is going more rhythmic while the game is going more difficult ! But the game is maybe to easy and I still can't understand the dynamites behaviour aha ! But the potential is here ! Great game !