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Lamplight Forest

A member registered Feb 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Check out Electron Dance / Thinky Games stream of The Unknowing and some other great titles from the jam here:
(The Unknowing starts at 39:30)

Check out Ambierona's Twitch stream of The Unknowing here:

(1 edit)

thanks so much! Great to hear it got you hooked.

I agree, I feel like the note taking mechanic is where it all came together during development 

thanks! Yeah I grew up with the old Sierra and Accolade text adventures and they were so opaque.

It was great working in this more constrained style since you can do so much puzzle-acrobatics just by playing with the words

thanks for letting me know. From memory I think it’s limited to 100 lines of text then it gets cut off after that. I’ll expand it so it fits more!

So happy to hear you enjoyed it! Yeah I’d love to make a full game out of it or perhaps even mini episodes. Hard to say at this point since we have a few other games in development but we’ll see what unfolds!

Awesome, thanks for playing - sounds like you found plenty of challenge to get your teeth into, I'm so happy to hear that!

Nice game. Surprising that it seems like the system will be too simple at first, but then it serves as its own tutorial as well as expanding to provide enough gameplay friction. Great minimalist game design idea!

Mage Drops is a magical golf-like platformer. It combines traditional golf and minigolf with elements of puzzle platforming, and a twist of fantasy magic!

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Mage Drops is a magical golf-like platformer. It combines traditional golf and minigolf with elements of puzzle platforming, and a twist of fantasy magic!

We've just released a free demo for Windows and Mac
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