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A member registered Sep 20, 2017

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Just got into this recently, have 16 hours in it so far. Something I find I really like with this, is it scratches my itch for a game as much if not more than my itch for erotica. I often like playing porn games for the non-erotic mechanisms, but usually I think of them as porn first and a game second. Playing this, I don't think I've once gone into it like "mm, I want some porn, I'll play Hive". It's always "Oh it'd be really fun to go do some crafting and exploring and npc meeting in Hive!! Oh, this scene looks fun, I'll do this one then go back to exploring." It's just a really fun time, with a LOT of cool settings, and really likable characters so far.

Thank you for your work!

The startling volume of the knives might be intentional. (Since the subject is horror and all.) But there are individual settings in the options menu, where you can adjust the volume of the SFX and music individually, even turning one or both off if you wish! :)

Yeah, when Derek tells the PC to go get the weapon's stash, I couldn't go do anything about the weapon stash/try to get the weapon stash when I went to Johnny's shop, didn't see any options regarding it in the Nogas town menu either. I had to go to Frank and tell him about the slavers and them plotting against the town first to have ANY options regarding the stash at Johnny's Shop or even in town/at the bar. I tried checking with Derek again and everything. I tried it about 3-4 times, couldn't get the options to show up without talking to Frank.

Note of a couple bugs I've noticed:
-Can't do anything about the weapons stash until telling Frank about the plan. Found this while trying to check out the ghost town path, very painful to have to betray Frank. lol
-If you go the Help Nogas route, when you find Derek in the corn, it registers as if you don't know him/he's not "your master"/as if you came to Nogas on your own? Don't know if it happens consistently or if it was just a bug for me, as I haven't played that route again yet, but figured I'd mention it as I imagine it's probably pretty easy to look into and fix.

Neat! I'll just copy it from the game as I go and shoot it over to ya. Question is Derek supposed to have like a american southern accent, a cowboyish sort of drawl, or just a suave kinda vibe?? I couldn't particularly tell, and it may matter for grammar stuff.

This game is dope! I was surprised how disappointed I was to get to where the content seems to end so far. Especially sad to see Derek go, I really like him as a character. Part of me wanted there to be an option to warn the slavers to get the hell out of dodge, but I assume that would probably not go well for the player character, even with high charisma. But it might be interesting to have a sort of pacifist route to avoid the battle, and maybe hear about the group falling apart/usurping Derek later, either running into the slavers again or maybe when/if the PC runs into Derek again.
If you ever want help fixing typos/rephrasing some of the writing to work better grammatically, you should def try asking for volunteer betas/editors! I'm sure plenty of people would be willing to help. I know I'd be happy to chip in a couple hours editing sometime to make for a bit of a smoother reading experience.

(Spoilers discussed, beware!) This was so interesting! I was vaguely uncomfy with the idea of a romantic route with this game. I don't mind such content, but usually I'm only personally comfortable with/interested in narratives where I can project on the "child" whether they are a child or not. So I didn't think I'd enjoy that story line, since we play from the POV of the MC. But the android character acts so not childlike in the lead up to what seems to be the divergence, that it almost felt uncomfortable not going that route, as someone who feels a lot of affinity for automatons, particularly romantically. It felt like being like "uh no" was infantilizing them unduly. They very much felt more like their own person, of a small stature, just playing whatever role the MC wanted from them, which I think is genius on your part! Especially when they confront the MC about their feelings and talk about how things will need to change if they enter a relationship, and they won't keep doing whatever MC wants, they need to be an equal. At this point it seems most if not all of their childlike air disappears, except of course their small cutesy frame. I think the android character is a very interesting, fun character, I really enjoyed them.

The support group plot point was also really engaging to me. Initially I thought the AC was hinting at a ped support group, which of course is a great message and a great idea- even if we get to a point where those feeling can be safely acted on with consenting individuals who understand consequences and can and will act out their will, it will probably be for the best for people with those attractions to get help with that, to make sure they and their brains understand the difference between someone who can consent and someone who can't and have people to talk to who share that struggle- but needless to say it felt a bit weird to be confronted with as someone who was interested in the android component and a fair bit put off by the childlike elements. But then the AC bish slapped me with "It's called botlovers support chat!" and I was just like "HEY! THIS IS NOT HOW I WAS READY TO BE UNCOMFORTABLE, DON'T CALL ME OUT LIKE THIS!" lmao But really, probably also a good call, and interesting. Obviously there's still the implications of the childlike attraction angle, but it made me wonder how this society generally reacts to Human/Android relationships in general.

This game also did make me think about the morality of the situations put forth, both the servitude the Androids are obligated to carry out upon creation, and of pursuing a relationship with a being so new to experiencing life, even if they are fully thinking and reasoning, especially one that you own and that is obligated to stay with you. Clearly the company in the story makes their contracts so the androids don't have to do anything they don't want to (besides cooking and cleaning), and can be taken out of particularly abusive situations, and clearly they make sure the androids are able/willing to assert boundaries, but even still it makes you think. The androids don't ask to be created, why should they owe anything for it? Sure if the android doesn't want to reciprocate romantic affections, they can assert their boundaries and trust they can leave if they aren't respected, but turning that down could make the next 5 years of their life an awkward, possibly even toxic or abusive, hell, as they're trying to figure out who they are and what they want. A hell they can't seem to leave unless their contract and boundaries of service are violated. It raises a lot of really interesting questions!! I would love to see another story exploring this universe, maybe with a "standard sized" unit if you will. No pressure at all of course, just wanted to express interest in case it was something you'd though about! lol

Thanks so much for such a cool experience!