This game is dope! I was surprised how disappointed I was to get to where the content seems to end so far. Especially sad to see Derek go, I really like him as a character. Part of me wanted there to be an option to warn the slavers to get the hell out of dodge, but I assume that would probably not go well for the player character, even with high charisma. But it might be interesting to have a sort of pacifist route to avoid the battle, and maybe hear about the group falling apart/usurping Derek later, either running into the slavers again or maybe when/if the PC runs into Derek again.
If you ever want help fixing typos/rephrasing some of the writing to work better grammatically, you should def try asking for volunteer betas/editors! I'm sure plenty of people would be willing to help. I know I'd be happy to chip in a couple hours editing sometime to make for a bit of a smoother reading experience.