Looks like they get out every three weeks, so 19 days from now since the last one got out two days ago.
Recent community posts
Hmm, I think I've chosen the other answer since the walkthrough said it set the flag for Allison's ending and there's nothing about Mira's ending, but that makes sense given their situation. Guess I'll have to backtrack a bit to change that, though I'll keep this save for Allison's ending.
Edit: Still not there, sadly. I've tried both choices just to be sure so there's something else to it. I dug a bit and found out I couldn't load my saves made during Allison's story 14 (where you choose between Allison and Mira for the sex scene). Saves before and after that load fine though, so my save might be toast from that point on for Mira.
I'll have to replay that scene as well and see if that works.
Edit 2: Yep, that fixed it.
There are a couple issues with the game on Linux as of now (0.2.0) :
- the executable isn't set as executable (easy to fix with the chmod command)
- the executable still has the old name (Phoenixes-0.1.0.x86_64) instead of just Phoenixes (has to be the same name as the .pck file it seems)
- the game can't save its settings or save at all : from what the log says, it can't create the folders it needs to do so (by the way there seems to be a typo and it tries to create/access a folder named "Phonexies"). Creating the folders manually don't solve the issue though settings are saved correctly
- the game freezes on quit, have to kill it through the terminal
Other than that, the game itself seems to work fine, the rendering, the animations, the text and stuff. Here's the full log.
From what I understand they downloaded the whole game when it was in v0.13.2 and the patch framework was introduced.
Then they applied the patch to get it to v0.14 and it worked fine (so unless there's a difference between a patched v0.14 and a fresh one it should be fine to apply the v0.15 patch on top of it).
Finally comes the time to install the v0.15 patch and it doesn't work anymore. I can confirm that happens, Ren'Py gives an error.
The whole v0.15 download works though so I'm not sure what's wrong with the patch files (other than having a non-executable Harem_Hotel.sh, but that's easily fixed).
Damn, this was a very nice journey, I'll come back for more and to see where it leads in the end. Hope Syd makes the right call and gets out before it's too late.
By the way I've played all the way on Linux so you can definitely flag the game as Linux-compatible (script is in the -pc archive, like with most if not all Ren'py VN, guess it does it automatically or something).