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A member registered Nov 12, 2016

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Yep, I know about that! When I'm running straight, she's at a little distance behind me. But when I go around the corners, she doesn't have to go around them (she kinda just cuts through a bit), so she always catches me.

A skip button after three failed tries or so would be good! I tried over 20 times and just gave up finishing the game XD It was quite frustrating.

Agreed. I think there should be some sort of hint for this. Something like Lacie saying "I don't think there are any more valves around... maybe something else will fit here?".

Otherwise I'd just keep searching for it and think I'd missed it.

Hi there! Thanks for the advice! I'm not sure what you mean by running diagonally, though? Wouldn't Lacie just stop if she runs into a wall/corner block?

Right now I'm using SHIFT and the arrow keys. When I use the arrow keys to go around the corners, Lacie slows down, and I often make a mistake and get stuck at the wall. Even if I don't get stuck, the corners really slow me down and I get caught.

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I'm not sure about OP, but for me it isn't a bug... I'm just really bad at this sort of thing :< My reflexes aren't good enough, I think.

I run as fast as I can, and I do kind of okay at first, but when going around the corners, I inevitably slow down and she gets me... I think I tried around 20 times, and then quit the game.

I was terrible at the spikes puzzle, too. I couldn't beat it even once and had to skip each time.

It would be great to have either a "Skip" button or an alternative solution for those like me who are too slow XD Perhaps a way to cover her face, so she can't see you grab the black item? Or a way to make her fall into the dungeon room below since there's a very convenient hole in the floor...

I suppose this would apply to all similar "speed" puzzles. They're very, very hard... if you include any more in the future chapters, a "Skip" button after a few failed tries would be much appreciated! 😭

Edit: I was looking for another way (since there always is one), but burning the painting isn't good either... she's faster than fire! XD

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She's crazy fast! After turning a few corners in my attempt to stay left, she always gets me :<

I guess this is up to the player's speed and reflex skills... mine aren't good XD I tried the spikes puzzle, and was really bad at that too. I died almost instantly each time and had to skip it.

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Agreed! I can't outrun her! When turning the corners, I slow down, and she always catches up with me.

But there's always another way... right? Maybe there should be an option to find something to cover her face, so she can't see you taking the black item...or a way to open the cage ceiling, so she falls in and becomes trapped? If not, I like the idea of a "Skip" button too.

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You can skip this puzzle if you want. Rather than fixing the elevator, you can focus on draining the water. For that, you need to turn all the valves in that room (until you have four green lights).


I spent a while searching for the pentagon valve, but there isn't one (that I know of)! You can simply use the star one instead.

As for this puzzle, I think you need a "20" fuse. I never got it; I assume it's behind one of the locked doors, but I didn't find a way to open any of them. (Sorry, I know that's not much help!)

I can never seem to outrun the eyeball lady... a skip for that would be nice ^^

Thanks! c:

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Hi there,

I've run into what seems to be a bug with the valve puzzle. I have put 40 + 15 in, but the elevator won't open. I checked on YT, and it seems this is how many were able to open the elevator, so I'm not sure what's wrong?

If this is not a bug, could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I've tried making it 15 + 40 instead, and also moving the 40 or 15 to the second row to no avail.

Thanks! ^^

I also think that some voice effects (like in Mad Father) would add to the atmosphere. Not sure if you would use Japanese voices/lines (I remember in Mad Father, Aya does shriek things like "iie" and "yada" a few times), but that would fit the game perfectly and would be great in key scenes.

This is an absolutely charming little demo/tutorial for a cute horror RPG that's heavily inspired by anime/manga (think Another and Corpse Party) and freeware horror JRPGs (think Ib, Mad Father, and The Witch's House). Definitely check it out if you're into that sort of thing! (^• ω •^)


Comments for devs:

  • Gorgeous art and graphics! I especially like the tutorial art, the cute pixel graphics, and the animanga-inspired facial expressions. Kat's cat face :3  is the best.
  • The puzzles are quite easy, but that's to be expected from a tutorial. The desk puzzle (while easy) was very cute! 
  • I'm the type of person who will interact with every bookshelf, every trash can (lol), etc. Would be cool to have more interesting descriptions or Easter eggs or some kind of reward for looking around thoroughly, but maybe Kat just really dislikes school and finds it all boring and better scene interaction is coming? I wanna know more about the school/environment!
  • I quite like the pacing, music, and sense of immersion (especially the tutorial at the beginning – that was a good way to introduce the game's choice mechanic – and the maze scene). Also, I'm sure people have mentioned how cute and atmospheric the club room music is~
  • Kat's snark ('nuff said). She's awesome c:

Can't wait to find out more about Kat's motivations and play the rest of the game! The new PC also looks interesting.