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Lavey_otokonoko - games

A member registered Nov 21, 2018 · View creator page →

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I am aiming to push updates to this one around October~

reason being it'll give me time to make some real good and spooky lewdy stuff~ 

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you gotta light all the torches in the room, similar to the one a few rooms back, in this picture there are 2 that are not lit. 

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can you screen shot an image of the gallery? so I can gauge whats wrong

I see! Thanks for giving me the error message, a lot of other people have been getting this bug too, working on it ASAP~

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unfortunately, old save files don't work with the new version, I changed too many internal things so old save files only cause unusual bugs. will have to start a fresh game and save.

moving forward i'm gonna prioritize preventing old save files from becoming useless with each new version. 

thanks for your post~

if your using the old save file, that could be the reason, if not then i'm not sure, the things you missed are: the forest archer. and Femboy hooters scenes, that take place in the bar. when you play the bar mini game, if you did and they arnt showing up then I gotta look into this. the second Boss  showing up there and in the wrong slot is usual too. 

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oh  that's strange.

I see! I strongly suggest to not use old save files as it will mess with the new stuff and bring a whole host of issues, I remade a lot internal stuff so old saves will only cause trouble, sorry about that.

when you defeat the boss, and it blows up, that’s basically the end of the new content, is why it throws you back in the other room, mentioned it in the post. 

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I see! I believe that Happens if you haven’t saved the game in a while, when you die with no recent save it will throw you in a previous room and out of bounds. Because it no has specific location listed to respawn you, it’s safe to Save often, I’ll see how I can fix this quick 

if the portrait on the Right side is blank, redownload the game~ 

opps! my bad, dev mode was enabled, try it now. Just posted an update

when the next sale comes up! ill make it so~ 

aww thanks~  

it depends on which form you've gotten after being transformed, if you gotten the Dark one, you'll kill everything quicker, if you have the red one you'll lock them into lewding, the added perks from ether transformation besides white intentionally forces you down a certain path, even with white transformation it can be tricky, since you can still kill the enemies who are waiting to be pacified~ 

what can I say, i'm just one dev doing all the art and coding, if you want visible progress, check my twitter

I have not abandoned this, I am putting a hold on updates to work on other my games published here. 

thanks for your comment, that bug is getting a lot of people 

some of those are old bugs, how long ago did you get the game and what’s the version number on the main screen? If old bugs are resurfacing then oh boi ‘o’

Will add the restart room option as that room lock bug is very common 

naw~ still working on it. its just been forever since I updated, I got a bunch of things to push , hoping in a week or 2 it'll be ready 

aw thanks~ what was some of the rare bugs you encountered? If you can recall c: 

that's honestly so so relieving to hear! im glad you go to the end with no bugs~ glad you enjoyed the game c: 

as a bondage enjoying myself~ I’ll see how I can work it in the game~ eventually 

thanks! glad you did! and yeah, trying to figure out how to make it not so tedious~ 

Appreciate your comment~ That issue is has been appearing often for others, been trying to fix it~ 

I see! That’s a problem that been a pain in the butt, making the build your playing is 1.4?.

you should be able to press ESC twice to leave the game if something occurs ~

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I see! I made a patch to fix that~ when standing exactly at the door, and entering into a lewd animation, the game will transition the player to the other room while In a lewd state, the game crashes because the enemy that’s lewding is no longer present in the same room, so the game just crashes. It shouldn’t Happen now.  


it should the very first enemy you encounter that can attack back, the pitch dark femboy with white teeth.

thats a nasty bug!~ where you standing exactly on the door when entered a sex animation? 

its okay! your description of the enemies is just as helpful~ I appreciate your bug report~

question, when that stuck bug occurs, is the character naked? 

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thats a bug alot of people are getting and im working hard to fix, sorry

thanks for your info! much appreciate it~

thank you for your descriptions! helps alot~

thanks for the mention, you can remove the comment 

question but can you recall which outfit your wearing when this happen? It might have something to do with that 

I see! thanks pointing that out! ill see what I can do about it~

I may just keep it to itch for now~ well see in the future