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A member registered Feb 09, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks. and yeah, it overwhelms you if you miss picking even a couple of boosts.

Pretty unique idea, and a good implementation. It got difficult for me to clear level 3, but I think this will do great on touch devices. Good Luck!

Man that was awesome, It did crashed one time while performing the ritual but apart from that it was amazing , waiting for the full version.

The game looks beautiful! And the music is so captivating. I like the low poly style of the world.

It was a pretty fun and to be honest a difficult game. 

Movements were really smooth, overall fun.

thanks 😁

haha thanks! My game is nothing compared to your game but I had fun creating it, we're a team of two programmers so the art aspect isn't that cool!

The humour is produced in the very brain of yours truly.

I couldn't make it past the 5th way, will the society accept me? 

A good touch on the theme, prototype art is understandable considering the time of Jam.

nice work!

In the first lap my car was way ahead of the AI but in second lap it suddenly crossed me and defeated me... that was soooo lit.

Honestly though I think you guys must be already tired hearing about how amazing the art and sound design are.....all I can say after playing this game ith such great visuals is..Kill me!!!

I loved the "hwah" sound on the sword swing, overall I loved the environment and setting of music, the colors are coming nicely together, I'd give it an A+

"I don't know what I was doing" means we were successful with the game we wanted.

Thank you for playing.

oh! Actually when we started, we thought that a lot of people would do this, but we didn't have much time so we went ahead it with anyways.

(1 edit)

thanks! Hope you defeated the boss! I'm embarrased! don't  quit too early... 8 hours of college for 5 days  almost killed us but the full day of saturday saved us.

the art was amazing, the game's goal was not exactly explained but I loved the art and music. Great work!!!

I loved the feel behind it, the touch you gave after each animation makes the game look alive!! great work man!!

yes, the small platforms at couple of places were intentional to make it a bit challenging,after all the urge to find all the hidden locations and the challenging platforms is the elixir of this game.

Thank you for playing

please read the rules, the game is supposed to be that way, you can't move while you can see, you can move only when you can't see.

I'll love some bitter feedback ;)