Heyo, I'm cool to help out if you're still looking for someone, just thought I'd ask roughly how long you're planning to spend on finishing up the game and whether you have any rough deadline in mind^^
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I have an instagram where I used to put most of my art up like and stopped updating like...a good year ago? (instagram.com/leafeon247) The art I do now is a lot different that what you'll see there so I doubt it'll be very helpful in showing what the stuff I make now as its quite different than what I used to be doing when I was still active on that account. If you feel with what you see there reply back here with ur discord or something similar and I'll dm character art I've done recently. I shouldn't have much issue learning to make something in the vein of what you have commissioned up there if you decide you wanna go ahead from that point after you've seen the work I'm able to make now^^
Heyo, would message on discord except I'm unable to log into my account atm. I'd be happy to help with the art and it seems like it already has a style I'd be able to work with. I'd give my IG (I think I still have it up on my itch page) but most of it is stuff I did from over a year ago, I can send a few things I did more recently if you're cool with talking over discord.
Hey there. If you haven't already found a sprite artist to work with your sprites I'd be happy to help if you want to have a look over at my IG and see if you think what I have up there so far would be up for what you have in mind. (instagram.com/leafeon247)
While I do realize that not much of what I've made looks a whole lot like the polished sort of style you seem to be looking for judging by the look of the games you've listed I would like to iterate that is more because I tend to go for a rougher more loosely done look for a lot of the stuff I used to make in my own time that anything. I can try making some sample pieces in the style you want for you to look over if you're happy to let me.
Heya, I normally charge for doing art but it seems you aren't looking for anything too complex in terms of concept art (do correct me if I'm wrong), so I'm cool with helping if you don't mind talking through with what you're hoping to get outa your concept art. A bit busy at the moment but I'll send over a message on discord in not too long.
I am looking to gain a bit of experience when it comes to game development and directing art, have had some previous experience in creating game concept art in for a visual novel as well as visual novel sprite art. I have plenty of experience working in all sorts of styles but my biggest strength comes in creating bold stylised character art with vivid colours.
I am mainly looking to get work done in creating either character concept art or sprite art as that is where I have the most experience working. Prices are negotiable and will mostly depend on what the requirements for the pieces are and how detailed they will be. Have more of what I've done posted on instagram.com/leafeon247.
A couple of examples to show thy type of art I have under my belt and am able to make:

Hey there, I grew up in an Arabic country and am quite familiar with the language and script and would love to help with editing the fonts and adding the Arabic characters, not entirely familiar with the process of working with a hex editor but would love to know more if you're cool with being sent a friend request
Hey, I doubt I'll be of any help on the programming side of things but the ideas of the premise you're laying out sound very interesting, I don't know if I remember anybody here trying to make something akin to an aesthetic but eerie take on apocalyptic kind of stories with a dash of body horror. I've always been interested in making illustrations try depict gore and body horror in that kind of light, I didn't see you specify wanting a digital illustrator but I'd be happy to join if you'd like to have one on board.
If you're cool to I'd say go have a look at the kind of stuff I make and see if that's the kind of thing you wanna have on board here: instagram.com/leafeon247