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[Art] Seeking Anime Artists

A topic by MrGredy created Sep 02, 2023 Views: 360 Replies: 6
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Hello everyone, 

We are currently developing an ambitious project: a visual novel centered around the Naruto anime. 

At the moment, we're gathering portfolios from artists with the aim of hiring someone for our team in the near future.

If you have experience in creating anime-style backgrounds and characters, please feel free to share your portfolios.

We will notify the chosen artist when we decide to expand our team.

Take care.


Hello, I'm happy to join and help with if you still happen to be looking as a lot of what I do happens to be in that sort of anime art style anyway.  You can have a look at my instagram page and see what you think. (


Thank you for reaching out and sharing your portfolio with us. We will retain it for review when we open up applications in the future.

Best regards!


Quite interested in this as a fan of Kishimoto’s work, my portfolio is at .I’m AstralMother on Discord if you want to talk further!



Thanks  for reaching out and sharing your portfolio with us. We will retain it for analysis when we open our job applications.

Best regards!

Hi there! I am interested in joining your team. I am a game design major at NEIT and my portfolio is

Good Day, I am interested in joining your team. Here are my sample works for reference: