The suggestion about Alloy metal got me thinking. Right now we can just buy every level of grip and guard. But what if we could only buy the basic (common) level from the order board. Then we had to combine the guard and a decorative metal ingot (copper, brass, silver, gold) to get the higher tier grips and guards. I think that adds a lot of depth and options. More mining , smelting, and building, which is really what the game does best.
A member registered Jul 05, 2017
Recent community posts
A quick suggestion to add depth to the game. Make the customers have different fantasy races like dwarf, elf, orc and human. And give each race a preference for the 'STYLE' of the weapon. Like dwarves like the big flat blades, elves like the scimitars, orcs like the cleaver looking one etc. But don't tell the player who likes which one. Then the blacksmith could get a bonus tip for figuring out which race likes a particular style.
Also, please make the customers less rude. I work in customer service in real life and simply saying please goes a long way.