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A member registered Dec 21, 2023 · View creator page →

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You should do a video on it

Not a bad game but it could use some more stuff like maybe enemies throwing projectiles.

My user in discord is legtlizrd heres the new link

The font looks like fall guys

oops, that invite wasnt valid... Heres the new one!

I made a new discord server for that airplane game you tried a while back!


Look in the discord server

Bro I sent you the game already.

I thought you said you didn't have a discord account. It says you've had the account since 2022...

The user as "???" ?

Thats you?

Yo... Are you still there?

Here the discord invite:

Discord would be the best place to send them to you. And it will make both of our lives easier.

Your flying an airplane while going through air traffic. "Air traffic" that includes airplanes and missiles. And for the meantime just make a discord account and I will send the invite.

Hello there! If you are looking for a group to join you can join GalXE productions. We need a 2nd composer in case the 1st one is out doing something or if we need you to collab with the 1st composer. We are currently working on a big update for a game called airplane. If you are interested I will send you a discord invite to the server.


Gist of the game: A british person getting nightma- I mean... An english individual receiving a significant amount of hauntings from an unknown source.

I honestly agree. Scratch is unfair. The only thing worth it on their website is the coding portion. Thats it. The social media part is just WAY too political. Just get the offline version of their platform.

A game where your fighting monsters in hell


I assume this is a game about a walking cooler

Hello! You see we have a group called GalXE productions. The group is currently working on a new update for a game called Airplane. So far we have a composer and a sound dev in our group. We do need an artist too so it will be great for you to join the group. With that said, interested?

I just gave you a role as game assist. Just to make sure everything works, say something in the private channel.

Hows the track going?

all good bro.

Also, since the background for itchio is white, the wing looks cut off even tho its still there. Just a heads up.

Hello! Right now I am looking for a thumbnail for my game. ( I basically need the plane below to fly facing upwards from a pixelated explosion and the cam angle to be infront of the plane. I also need some missiles coming from the explosion chasing the plane.

Also, send the video of the game in my comments sectio

(1 edit)

Yo! I know you mean a team as in "team up for the game jam" but if you don't mind, we have a game creation group called "GalXE productions". Right now we are working on a huge update for a game called airplane. You can help on sound design if you would like to. Anyways, would be interested in joining? (The group is in a discord server)

Yo! You should try this game: Don't forget that the settings menu is on the top right corner and there are 2 slides in the settings menu. Also, stuff like text not being visible will be fixed in the next update however the next update will take a while since its the big and final update. Anyhoo, here are some screenshots


Yo! I forgot to tell you but I deleted the discord server and boiled the group down to a discord channel found in the airplane discord. (You should have access to the channel bc I gave you a role that allows you to get on this channel) Once your done with the track send it in that channel and we will go from there. The channel should be called GalXE productions

Looks cool

No I was talking about the art. One of the screenshots looks like a castlevania remake

Hello! I am working on a game called airplane! Would you be interested in being a side composer for the game? (Since I already have a main composer)

You remade castlevania?

Hello! I would like for you try the game: airplane. I would not like to spoil the game for you as it is most likely better for you to try it blind. (Its not a horror game if you were wondering)

Also, remember the settings icon at the top right has 2 slides. (And remember its existence)