Hey ! Thank you for playing our game!!
And thank you for the bug report.
Happy you liked it
hello Eshkova,
Sorry I wasn’t here when you send the message, but I will share the video of your stream.
Hope you liked our game, juste a few notes :), this is a student game, so we made it 6 months, there are some changes coming, bug fixing mostly but the game is finished as most of the team has moved on. I have noted most of your remarks and we will see if we can update the game, you are not the first to tell us about some of your remarks ^^ so clearly we need to improve there :).
thanks for playing our game and having done a stream of it :)
salut !!
Merci déjà d’avoir jouer et mille merci pour se retour très constructif!
Pour ce qui est du gameplay, je prend note de ce que tu nous dit, il est vrai que le garde écarlate, donc celui à bouclier peut être frustrant, il va être un peut changer pour qu’ils soient plus agréable.
Dans tout les cas ça fait très plaisir de lire un message comme celui ci.
Il va y avoir quelque patch pour corriger le plus de soucis possible :)
We just recently released our end of study game :)
In Ancient Egypt, Ahmes and his little brother Akil are orphans and live a simple life. Until one day, the Royal Guards come and attack their village. Akil is thrown into the Nil river. Ahmes rushes to save his brother, but a giant hand emerges from the water and carries Akil into the darkness of the Nil. Ahmes then enters the Underworld in order to save his little brother.
Genre : Action-Aventure Plateform : Windows
Graphics : 3D / Cartoon
Engine : Unreal Engine 4.23
Controls : Controler , KeyBoard (AZERTY, QWERTY) Souris
Language : English Audio & Subtitle/ French Subtitle
Itch page : https://ecv-game.itch.io/ahmes
Hope you will like it :)