We just recently released our end of study game :)
In Ancient Egypt, Ahmes and his little brother Akil are orphans and live a simple life. Until one day, the Royal Guards come and attack their village. Akil is thrown into the Nil river. Ahmes rushes to save his brother, but a giant hand emerges from the water and carries Akil into the darkness of the Nil. Ahmes then enters the Underworld in order to save his little brother.
Genre : Action-Aventure Plateform : Windows
Graphics : 3D / Cartoon
Engine : Unreal Engine 4.23
Controls : Controler , KeyBoard (AZERTY, QWERTY) Souris
Language : English Audio & Subtitle/ French Subtitle
Itch page : https://ecv-game.itch.io/ahmes
Hope you will like it :)