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A member registered Apr 06, 2017

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Hey, Bobby, as a person who has been following your and your co-developers work since the first game - from the bottom of my heart I wish you good luck with Shadow v3.

As a sorta endgame I would suggest this:
A good alliance is formed and it begins to research a way to defeat the player. After X turns they unlock a ritual, which will either just defeat the player completely or just for a time being. Turns to research a ritual are determined by the number of scientific PoIs in the alliance. Ritual casting also takes time, but it is much less and is based on the number of religious PoIs in the alliance.
- Gives players a way to counter it by shadowing or outright destroying Places of Interest.
- Effectively just a timer, which can be disabled quite easily

After the ritual is done, the player is either
1) Outright loses the game and is forced to start a new one
2) The game "skips" ahead in time either by passing a lot of turns or by deleting a bunch of nations (70%?), spawning new ones and regenerating all nobles in the remaining nations.
Also, how about name-specific endgames, which disable one of the names? For example, humanity creates an alliance and it:

1) Destroys Deep One spawning pool, effectively removing the ability to spawn more deep ones for a long time.

2) Enforces usage of post-combat religious rituals, which disable the ability to lower the world's temperature.

3) Creates an anti-flesh poison to defeat flesh growth with ease.

And so on.

(2 edits)

Just some suggestions after playing the steam version for 6 hours:
1) If you click on voting when some char is selected then it should immediately open the voting menu with this character selected.

2) Use power and abilites scrolling with scroll wheel is unuseable as it scrolls too much items at once.

3) Nation and province names on the global map when corresponding filters are selected.

4) Semi-tranparent UI side panels. Maybe 35%? Dunno.

5) Resources map mode (not really sure about this one)

6) Clickable buttons for map mode, like in paradox games. Hotkeys are good, but I think there still should be options. 

7) Some sort of icons to differentiate between different event in the right bar. (Not sure about this one)

8) Ability to see/highlight hostile agents to the selected agent. (Map mode?)

9) Global map / ability to fast-forward world history

10) Pressing Tab key or Esc to quickly exit current menu

11) More connections between sea regions and coastal places of interest.

12) Maybe at least several turn (5-10?) cooldown between votes? (except for emergencies)

13) More indirect distractions for agents. Maybe bribing local guards, planting false tracks for a chasing agent.

14) I think it should be possible to select abilities and powers to use by clicking.

15) Temperature and habitality map modes. 

Some initial thoughts:

1) Turns are very confusing. 99% of the time I don't know who travels where, maybe show chars' plans to travel or make travelling longer. Tavern POIs? Would be great. Mb slower turns.

2) Maybe adding an outline to selected city?

3) Showing chars' holdings in their lists. 

4) Pausing on spacebar.

5) Pausing on events.

 6) Is negative population in POI ok?

7) A little bit of tutorial is gravely needed. Like, when you can influence smb, manipulate etc.

These are just basic thoughts. Good concept, I hope you will develop it further.

1) Can I scale global map? If not, that's pretty bad.

2) Esc may be pretty great for exiting Society view. And there are no reason for main menu button, preferably use Esc for that.

3) There are no charts about cities, armies etc. That would be pretty great.

And except for that 3 things - that pretty interesting game, I really enjoyed it. Thanks.