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A member registered Aug 07, 2020

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(1 edit)

is this just an ntr game a game with possible ntr


I was thinking of joining the discord but i cant find it

Can you make a patato pc version so those who dont jave crazy pc can pla

Human-Hunting Hijinks community · Created a new topic MC?

male or female mc?

Is the scene with peter the cutoff for this update cuase if not i keep getting and errror with label.ch2

I dont get how to get the orher scene with rose

If you bought the game here with you have to rebuy it on steam also i like to play this on android so is there an android version of the final game

Through karlas playthrough on mobile after she tells you to sit she stops moving about halfway and the game just stops there idk if this is like a waiting tjing or a bug just letting you know

happy birthday

If its doing that on your pc then it might something like an anti virus app trying to lock you out 

Or if you mean on mobile I would just try clearing your cache of the game and seeing if that works if it doesn't i honestly don't know because I just recently uninstall the game on mobile then reinstall it and there was no problem I can play it without any errors

either you don't have enough space or you model of phone might be outdated for it to run i think

Or your settings prevent it from downloading

If you are trying to play on the web version they say it doesnt work so you have to download the ap

how do you get the hypnosis lesson to stay i do it then it's gone the next loop

A normal extractor

It wont let me extract it i thought it was my pc but i tried a different game and it work so im kinda slummed/

you're chilling man I mean updating the game yo help newer people is great but sometimes learning the hard way makes the game fun at least that my opinion anyways keep up the great work

its super slow this way but if you just wait to buy the neuron upgrades till after you cell count is high enough you wont lose

no as in never or no as in not yet

Type 6969 on the night 7 code bar

This game is literally awesome love all the art and the style of it I only wish it was also on android

Will the next update be released on here or just on steam

I am loving the game but i have an bug issue for some reason after going to the secret bar twice then going outside to talk to the blue hair girl my game crashes every time

This is on android so idk if its affecting other platform

Besides this the job part works the android girls work just this issue

Honestly besides me being bad and this game being really hard i think the most annoying part is the fact that from anywhere in the game you make that one mistake and it puts you back to the beginning but besides that I am having a blast

Dude on android this is impossible to time the jumps right also im not great at these games but ive gone up like 6 to 7 levels how many more till i even beat it ma

I dont know if its me but i keep losing on night 4 because both foxy and freddy dont go down quick enough is there a certain time you have to hold down the flashlight and door because i feel like its just too hard but beside that i think this game is grea

nvm i just 100% it

All the night are easier now than before great game and funny easter eggs

btw anyone struggling just listen for bonnie and chica and freddys laughs then keep cam on foxy its really fun and somewhat difficult

night 6 keeps glitching and not loading what do i d

thank you I loved both your games and hope to continue supporting you with this awesome series

Where do i look at the cursed key

it's on the computer then click on tye internet logo and type iamacheater in the search bar

How do you tamper woth the locks it wont let me with the wrist control unit

I sent the message

Alright i will

so I have repay the entire 25$ because a Url name change 

So i dont know if this is fake or something different but i bought the 25$ version on this same game but now there is this. Is this like a new update or something different or a scam

the doors show that they are always close