Are there any cheats in this game? If so, how do you enable them?
Headpat a sexbot in a dystopian world · By
I say grind but really it wasn't "grindy" it was more like an experience and quite the joy watching that chat fly so fast, and the view count rise. So far my highest view count is 295k... I just can't seem to make it to 300k. I have so much appreciation for the journey in this game... "Ya gone'done did good!" ;)
OH, there seems to be a higher emphasis on followers as opposed to subscribers on the leaderboard... why is that? I feel like I would be crushing these other guys' sub counts.
Working gets me 300-400$, streaming usually gets me at least 1,000$ a day per stream, and how to gaurentee the most cash is waiting for any of the stocks to reach 1$ per stock (usually bonc.ic) buy as many as ur comfortable I made 50,000-60,000 within the first 20 days doing this, like if rent is almost due save 800 or 900 and check the stock page and save before you spend any amount of time so before sleeping, going outside, doing anything outside, having sex, going through random interactions. The random interactions might be hard to tell so just check stocks and save whenever you enter you computer, if you stocks dip a huge amount while you're away reload a save and sell everything
The stock market isn't fixed between saves so if you have a save for 6:00 and at 8:00 everything rises by a lot reloading the 6:00 won't mean the stock market will rise at all.
Keep 1-2k on you when you can as a safety net If the stock market is still rising while a time sensitive thing is happening like rent or something for your bot is on sale that you want you can sell some stock to buy it be sure not to take to much out cuz the more you take out now means the less you get later
Tldr: buy bonc.ic stoncs at 1$, constantly save while you wait for the perfect point to sell ( just before a big dip)
I just play black jack in the casino, always all-in. If I lose I just load the game again. Highest you can bet is 100,000 tokens and highest you can win is 400,000 tokens. There is a warning that if you withdraw a large amount of token in one go, the IRS might arrest you, so I only withdraw 50k every third day.
Incontinent cell, I know I just spawned out of nowhere, but I just wanted to say that I love you game and I want a favor, only if you can do it, in your game there is a feet fetish teasing if you kiss juns feet on doggystyle, could you..... Make it a real thing?, feet job position?, thank you for your time
Been Trina figure out where I can download more cheats, I realized the mods and cheats are separate entities. I checked the discord but as of yet there's mostly things related to character and equipment models. Would be nice if there were a cheat to quickly increase the amount of times you can cum before your dick goes soft. Also an idea would be a cheat to edit the influx of subscribers and viewers
perchance that i use cheats and jen (i named mine jessica cuz yeah) wouldn't talk to me for days, literally on day 19 and its been like maybe 8 or 9 days since she stopped wanting to talk and everytime it'd say "Seems she doesn't want to talk right now..." is that because of me using cheats or did my game bug-
most of the top comments in this post are a bunch of people asking where they type it in... or where in the browser. I'm not one to critique or be a jackass, but someone has to say it. Did these guys just get their mothers to just get on and not to mention this game? If they can't navigate the browser in the game, then how the fuck did they managed to find their way here?