I agree with the commentor, these are my opinions and suggestions for the controls.
For climbing ladder, I believe it should automatically snap to climbing ladder by either pressing down or up depending where it is located, since clicking shift is a hassle. For example, if you are on top of a ladder, you can simply walk over it, but if you press down, it would make you snap to the ladder and allow you to either climb up or down. Same when you are below a ladder, you can just press up to climb it. This would make it smooth with controls aswell when you jump up to reach a ladder and simply press the same up button again to climb it.
For the dashing or the movement mod thing, instead of right click I believe shift or any other button that is far away from the wasd such as J is good for it.
For the shooting, I found it unnecessary to use a mouse since you cant aim anyways and can only shoot straight, but then again theres the grenade thing where you have to aim it with your mouse which makes it difficult to decide.
I believe that keyboard controls should be prioritized than mouse controls since most of the population have more keyboards than a mouse to use.
Now for the gamplay, the map is too spacious and most of the rooms have nothing going on in them, I suggest adding obstacles and enemies more and some twist you want.
That is all I have, sorry for blabbering too much but hopefully this comment can help, goodluck on your game my friend! :)